Saturday, December 27, 2008

An Answer to The Question

The next time anyone asks me why the heck I would move from Hawaii back to Rochester...this is what I've done the two days I've been back.

  • I had rice. Not that white sticky stuff you get with breakfast, lunch & dinner in Hawaii. I had rice. With beans.

  • I hung out with the Rodriguez family. And had Canadian beer that wasn't Moosehead.

  • I...uh...did other things.

  • Green Tea at Java's

  • Signed up at my old gym and worked out. With more than enough space to do my routine.

  • Spent $10 bucks at the Public Market. Left with 2 bunches of asparagus, poblano peppers, parsnips and a red hot with everything. In Hawaii, that would have cost maybe $30.

  • A nap. Woo Hoo!

  • Tomorrow, I'm going to the batting cages.

Yes, all that is minor, but it adds up.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nothing Left But The Wait

Most of you are probably in bed right now. I'm watching the sun go down from my window, just waiting for tomorrow. There's not much else to do, the only place there is to sit is the toilet. I spent the day running errands, giving up the car, cleaning, etc.

I put an ad on Craigslist and got someone to take what little "big" stuff I had, and the rest of the small stuff went to the March of Dimes garage sale.

It's been a long, strange week. I'm ready to get it over with.

"Everything old is new again."

Monday, December 22, 2008


OK, I will admit that this could have happened in any town in the USA. But it didn't. It' happened here...on this god forsaken rock...coincidence? I'm saying no.

I was in line at the post office to drop off my change of address card. As one would figure, it's just before Christmas so it's pretty busy in there. I heard what I thought was the radio playing Silent Night. A nice version...laid back, a really good female voice with guitar. Turns out, we're getting a live the front of the line, someone and her son set up their stuff and she was performing Christmas Carols while the kid held onto the sheet music.

Uh, OK...a little different, but whatever. And her voice is really good. So she finishes the song and I'm getting closer and closer to her in line...

sle-eep in heaven-ly peeeeeeace.....

Then BLAMMO! She turns into Rusty Warren, making boob jokes and embarrassing her the post office!!! She's talking with people in line and I'm seeing that very soon it's going to be my turn.

Oh, please start playing another song, please, please, please, please. Nope. She's got her schtick and she ain't getting off it. Everyone in line is looking at each other nervously, not knowing what to do.

Well, I knew what to do. I got out of line and left...dropped my card in the "express mail" box outside.

This place is just plain old weird.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Things have been a bit on the crazy side so I haven't had a chance to let folks know what's happening.

Yesterday was the last day of school. It was pretty emotional, as expected, but I held up OK. Then the kids left and I started to wade through the cards, candy and other x-mas stuff that they brought. I almost lost it there. A few of my girls made a movie for me...I haven't been able to watch it yet.

There's a new blog! Yes, now I only juggle...uh 5 of them, I think. The blog that I have to keep in touch with the kids is called Schmoeology. Whenever we needed a fictional person, Joe Schmoe was always our go-to guy. So Schmoeology it is.

So now I'm unemployed. I'll follow up with the Special Ed gig at Hillside when I get home. I talked to Michael today. He knows a guy who wants my resume for some new "thingy" dealing with autistic kids, but that's a further downt the road thing. I started getting meeting notes from the new Metro School Planning Committee - Bill Cala's thing. But I did notice someone else on the list of people involved who I'm just not in the mood to deal with right now, so I don't know if I'll be diving into that shallow end.

I've gotten rid of just about all my CD's...of the...hmmmm...I guess it was about 800, 200 went home, 300 went to the radio station and 300 were sold to a local music store. Not bad. I digitized all the stuff I got rid of so I have them all on mp3.

Tomorrow, Jill & I tape the last Maui version of the podcast. I have one person already on board to come on in Rochester. And I'm working on a revamped website, but it's requiring skills that I don't quite have yet. I think that's a project I'll be tackling next week.

Tuesday, I take the car to the bank for reposession. It will be at that moment that I become the first person in the history of modern finance to have a negative credit rating. So if you know of anyone in Rochester with a decent enough hooptie for sale, give me a holler.

I guess that's about it. I'm just getting rid of my crap, trying not to live on candy and Jamba Juice for the next 4 days and getting ready to leave this Third World Rock.

Oh, and thanks a lot, Chris. Luke found me on The Facebook, too.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I got this e-mail tonight.

Mr. Atias,
This is sort of a goodbye letter and also a thank you letter.

I wanted to say that you are a wonderful teacher and that I am still very sad and upset that you are leaving us! You have helped me through so many of my issues ( social, emotional, and school) throughout the past year and a half and I have learned so much from you. I have been so lucky to have had you for my advisor. You always know exactly what to write in my journal, even when I am being super negative, you still could always dig up something uplifting and positive to write.

You understood my ADHD problems, and you made my learning environment easier for me.

I loved all of your projects and lessons. I thought that the Amnesty International letters that we wrote were awesome and I wish that we could continue to write more. You taught us so much about the different Cultures and places in the world.

One of the hardest parts of you leaving, is probably the whole advisory situation. I loved our advisory and all of the things that we did, such as passing the ball, and the monster walk, and also, i loved the journaling. I know that our advisory was much different than most of the other advisories, though, it was exactly the type of advisory that i need. I need the advisory where i can trust all of my fellow students, and where we can all feel like a big family. Not the other type, where we just play games like a regular PE class. It is going to be very difficult for me to have our advisory split up. Advisory was a place where I could go each morning and start my day with a great group of people, whom which i feel very safe and comfortable with, and just express my feelings. Most of the time, Advisory was the best part of the day for me.

Soooo, Thank you again Mr Atias for being so wonderful. I have a couple questions and also some suggestions that i wanted you to see...

1. I was wondering if you could still keep in touch, and i was wondering since the journal thing worked so well for me, if i could kinda do a "online/email Journal" Where i could email you my journal entry when i was having a problem, or i just wanted to tell you something exciting, and you could just maybe reply your response to my entry.

2. I hate that our advisory is going to be spilt up, so i was wondering if i could give you a list of a couple people that i really enjoy being in advisory with and you could maybe help but one or two of them with me?

3. as you know, i love our advisory group now, so i was wondering if maybe like once a month or somthing if we could maybe have "Mr. Atias' Advisory" Get together during advisory and we could all have an advisory session like the ones we have right now.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for being such a wonderful teacher and advisor. YOU ROCK MY GREEN STRIPED SOX MR ATIAS!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Feel So...Used

Today, in class, one of my girls came up to me...a little embarrassed and asked if was true that I said it was OK for her boyfriend (also in my class) to kiss her.

Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that???

Come on, know it's OK. Mr. Atias said you could give me a little sugar. You know how much you like Mr. A, so if he said it's cool...

I love middle school kids...sometimes.

So I took the boy aside and while I didn't yell at the kid for using my name to try to get a little, I did make sure he wasn't doing it in school...then I told him that he got busted. I figure, the natural consequences from the wife will be worse than anything I come up with.

Now I just gotta find someone to try that line on...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Damn You, Novak!

OK, it's no Valerie Plame, but I got outted...again!

I posted a Status Update on my page that said something like, "Dave is being Facestalked by his students." Which is true.

One of my co-workers posted a comment, but then took it off...but the notice was already sent to my e-mail. It said:

"we do know the real you white-e - your coworker, rachelle"

How the???

So I'm trying to retrace this...there is no (connected to me anyway). Even the story Heather did during the school board campaign doesn't show up on Google anymore. Maybe if someone was listening to the podcast...but the person would have had to have listened to only a specific few of them. Oh well...can't put that toothpaste back in the tube...boyeeeee!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

School Update

It's been an interesting week. Took kids out to South Maui - Makena State Park - talked to the Rangers about environmental issues there. We used it as practice with digital media so the kids took a ton of pictures & video. All the video sucks, but there's some cool pictures. I'll share them over the weekend.

Tuesday, a van load of us went to the County Council again to speak about the ridiculous Makena development. This time we left for the meeting before school even started. Two of my kids spoke...they did well.

The Man was handing out these buttons that said Makena Yes, so one of my kids accepted one and did this to it.

A 6th grader after my own heart. She didn't show it to me until we got back to school.

I spoke as well, as usual, no one on the council listened to a word I said. But it was broadcast over the cable access network and someone sent me a positive e-mail about it. Those cats on the CC have about as much vision as...oh...I don't know...Rochester politicians, I guess. What can you do?

Oh...and to make it a complete day, I got a parking ticket for the school van. Pretty tough not to get one when they only hold the meetings during the day and it's all 2 hour parking...and the meetings are still well attended so you can't get out of there in under 3. Mark thought it was funny.

School's getting "funny". They just keep going further and further down that traditional path. In some cases by necessity - because of the macro-planning mistakes they keep making. In some cases they've just hired people who don't know how to let kids make decisions for themselves...then wonder why they act so immature.

The kids have just been a trip since I've told them I'm leaving. Good Lord, Nikki virtually stalking me. Another kid said she found my Facebook page. Oh well. I don't put too much weird stuff on I? Now if she found the Stuart Bedasso MySpace page...that'd be a different issue.

I created the blog that I'm going to use to stay in touch with the kids. I took suggestions on what it should be called, but they didn't come up with anything that good. So it's called Schmoeology. Joe Schmoe is a recurring character in our class so I figured it works.

The school's board president told me that if I needed a reference to use him or if I wanted to come back to just let him know and he'd "make it happen." I'm not quite sure what he meant, but I was worried that there might be a white-slavery element to the offer, so I just thanked him and moved on.

On other teaching fronts:

*More Facebook strangeness: A handful of students I student taught found me on the FB. I've actually been having some interesting conversations with one. This internet thing may just stick around.

*Another student, this one from RSD, sent me an e-mail that was a link to some adware kinda application to put on your computer. I didn't open the link, but the contact came out of the blue, right when I'm having contact with students from the past. Strange.

*I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut. A couple of you guys sent me links to newspaper articles about the Metro school in Rochester that Bill Cala is working on through Nazareth College. The write-ups seem to suggest that the school would teach in the way the Charter School here is supposed to, so I just sent him an e-mail to let him know that I'm coming back to Rochester and that if he wanted to pick my brain about the day-to-day stuff to feel I'm on the planning team e-mail list. Christ, I'm not even back yet!

I think that's about it for now. It's late and I'm going to bed. Rainy season has started...which I'm digging, actually. I love falling asleep to rain so I may actually sleep well tonight.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Dream Job!!!

I knew if I was patient it would finally come along! From Craigslist:

House Board is seeking a House Director at a Syracuse University sorority.

Applicant must live in chapter house, possess strong social & managerial skills, supervise the staff including kitchen, maintenance & cleaning staff. Excellent salary and many benefits. Please mail or email a complete resume with background experience & current availability to; 247 South Manning Blvd, Albany, NY 12208.

I may have to adjust my resume.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The End Of An Era

What a strange occurance today...

I've been trying to get my haircut for over a week now, but a lot of things have been preventing it. (No, not that I don't have hair to cut) I finally got there before work today.

My guy, Ed, was there, we started talking and he asked if I had anyone coming to the island for the holiday. I told him that I was actually going home and not coming back. He asked why and said that I haven't been here that long.

[Tangent Alert] I feel kinda bad for this, but if this were a blog for kids I would say something like, "sometimes adults lie to spare others' feelings." That's what I've been doing. I found a good "explanation" for why I'm leaving that no one can really argue with. Most of you don't know that my Step-Father, George, has been in and out of the hospital over the last 6 months or so. He just had his last stint a couple of weeks ago. So, when I say this to people, I don't actually say that's the reason I'm leaving, but I have to admit that I am implying that...I would be going back to Rochester anyway.

But I get into these awkward conversations with people. Maui just isn't for me - and when you try to tell people this, they look at you like you're crazy. Then you go through the reasons why, just the obvious ones, the money, etc and they begrudgingly agree, but then try to argue back with the beach and surfing and all the stuff I couldn't care less about and it's just never if my dismissal of Maui is a dismissal of them. And I don't even get into the stuff that actually does imply such things. So I've been telling folks that I'm leaving because I can't afford it (true) and because my Step-Father has been ill (true, but irrelevant to me leaving).

So that's what I told Ed today and he was fine with that. Then he told me HIS news. The owner of the buidling told him that he's renevating the buiding before it gets condemmed and that Ed has 30 days to leave. When is the 30 days up? Today! The guy's a million and six years old. This is probably the last day of his business. He basically had a "eh, whatever" attitude about it, but it was still sad.

Then, he thanked me for coming to his shop since I've been here and noted how he pretty much only gets locals and that I'm the only redhead - that he really appreciated that. It was a genuinely touching moment and probably the only cool incident I've had being a redhead since I told some old women that I got my red hair from the milkman. I was three years old and had no idea what it meant.

He also started telling me about how most of his customers are regulars who are "retired". And one by one they just stop coming back, leaving that thought trail off...I knew what he meant.

So when I get back to Rochester, it'll be back to Tony and all my gumbas back at OK Barber Stylists. My haircuts will be more even and the conversation will be more fast-paced and east-coast-like. But it won't be the same.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Story of My Life

Don't you hate it when someone else crystalizes your cartoon form.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Honu Heroes

Today was a really strange strange, I can't quite come up with a title to it yet. Let's see how that works out...

Today I had to take kids out to do some turtlespotting. It's an ongoing activity we do where we take kids to specific places to observe sea turtles, take data on them, pictures and now video. We report stuff to the Pacific Whale Foundation who are trying to help them.

Sea Turtles are in danger because of all the messed up stuff we do to the oceans. The main issue is something called fibropapilloma. The turtles get these tumors that eventually kills them. And the tumors appear on the outside as well, all over their heads, tails, etc.

We've identified turtles, named them and charted when/if they get fibropapilloma. There's also a...uh...kind of an afterschool club called Honu Heroes...Honu is Hawaiian for turtle. You may find this hard to believe, but I'm actually not involved with them. But the kids have been giving presentations all over the island and even a couple on other islands.

Anyway, the first group I took were the veterans...the 8th graders. It was a long morning, but it was OK. There was a couple of spottings, but nothing huge. Honestly, it was more of a bonding moment - a lot of the kids, especially the girls, were taking more pictures of me than turtles...for posterity. I knew Kaitlen was going to be one of the kids who was going to have a tough time with me leaving and she spent most of the morning and lunch time messing with me. Viera's been distancing herself, which is going to continue until just before I go and Kristen is still trying to get me to start a MySpace page...they obviously don't know about Stu. The really surprising thing is our Aspergers kid has been showing emotion about me leaving...Jeez, now I'm healing the sick.

The afternoon was with the 6th graders. They were a pain in the ass. I had to pull the van over on the way because they were acting like such idiots...I almost turned this island around! I didn't realize that they hadn't done Turtles yet. So when they got there, they really had no clue what to expect. Once the turtles started showing up, that was the show. Twenty kids on this lava finger, literally clapping to get the turtles to come out of the cave. It was really cute. Then the turtles showed up and every one except one had fibro tumors around the eyes, mouth, etc. They had heard about it, but hadn't seen it until now. But they were still kids and were dealing with it pretty well.

After an hour it was time to go. I was the last to leave the area, just to make sure we had left no child behind (intended pun). I saw all the kids not going toward the van, but down the beach...what the hell? Off the lava finger (a naturally made pier out of lava rock from an eruption a long time ago) and on the beach a turtle had washed up on the shore...still alive but covered in tumors and dying. I've never seen anything like this before. The kids surrounded the turtle and realized that we needed pictures of this. To anyone showing up then it looked like the kids had no clue as to what was going on, but they knew that the pictures were going to help get this cause more publicity. We actually had to stop them from taking pictures.

When we got back to school, a bunch of kids went right to the teacher who does Honu Heroes. She got on the phone to some group who deals with this stuff, to go get the turtle.

I have the kids' pictures of this turtle. I'm not going to post them here - they're pretty graphic. Typing this has made me start to process this. I may have one more thing to do before I leave.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm gonna need me some rehab

Ooooh. Facebook is an evil, evil thing. I'm "finding" people or they're finding me who I got no business having contact with. Not in an illegal or immoral way...or at least not illegal.

There's people I haven't seen since Albion Jr. High who I am now Facebook friends with. I was on the other day and thought I'd see if Ed had a page (Dude, you're on the list of subscribers to this blog, I have no idea if you read it). So looking through those with ties to Albion High School...not too many people I was familiar with...where's Keith Saturn when you need him?

But I did run into...uh...OK, how can I explain this one. I'd rather not give a name here, though I don't think it would matter if I did. But this world is getting smaller all the time. When I was back in Jr. High, this girl was like the "it" girl. Oooh. Here's a reference. The movie Sixteen Candles. (Yes, I appreciate that I've officially become a teenager girl with this reference) Me, being Farmer Ted and this other person being....uh...the hot chick he ends up with at the end of the movie. Only in the real world, the hot chick never really knows who Farmer Ted is. OK, I'll go look up the character's name - please hold..................

Caroline Mulford is the character's name.

OK, so I am now friends on Facebook with Caroline Mulford. And Mike Harding. Not as hot, but probably a better kisser. I'm just saying.

People from Franklin, Hillside, activism/'s a big, weird stew. And on occasion it makes me uncomfortable.

Bombs Away!!!

Well, I told the kids at school today that I was leaving. It actually kinda fell into place. I wasn't supposed to be teaching at all today, today was going to be grading / catch-up day, but another teacher who was supposed to teach called in sick so I had to scramble for something to do. Part of my "lesson" was explaining to the kids that I was leaving. I actually ended up turning it into a half-hour, one-man-show. Three performances only.

So the kids got me to agree to start a blog to keep them up-to-date. So I'll probably be abandoning this one and starting a new one in a month...but I haven't decided the fate of Dave In Maui for sure yet. Either way, you'll still be able to get your Dave fix at the new one, it'll just be for a younger audience. That's right, no more dick jokes. Oh...I wasn't doing them before? I better get cracking then.

The one girl (who tried to set me up with her Grandmother) was actually pissed that I'm leaving. But by the end of the day I had her down to just annoyed. It's a start. I still have 3 weeks to get it to peeved.

I'm pretty sure as we get closer, it's going to get more uncomfortable, for me anyway, but it'll be pretty sappy and I'll try not to cry. Though I can just blame it on the vog.

As for my last 3 weeks of school...well, it looks like things aren't going to change much. I have the responsibility of planning next week's field outing - which I have - but it's already getting messed up. Semester report cards are due...I guess the last day of school, but no one's actually seen the report cards yet and they're supposed to be more like School Without Walls progress reports. I was actually pushing for that, but I guess I forgot to tell them that for teachers to give more anecdotal evidence of student learning you actually have to spend a significant amount of time with the students. And right now, none of the teachers do...or at least I don't. So I'll probably be doing progress reports on the plane, at the airport and in Rochester. I didn't tell the kids that this kinda stuff is the main reason I'm leaving.

I guess that's the deal for now. Hey! Where's MY transition team?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gratuitous Semi-Nudity

{sigh} Even with loads of evidence, many times I still tend to think that I have more control over things than really do. (Relax man, I'm getting to the GSN) Like that one time I ran for school board...That dumbass, Domingo Garcia only had, like 90% more of the vote than me. I know if the State Greens weren't such shitheads...oooh....I'll blame it on Nader, HE was on the ballot that year, too. back to Summer. We were close enough to the win that I know that if I just could have figured out a way to make her become more political, quicker, we could have won. Not dishonest, just more political that I mean, willing to go door-to-door more, stop being so persnickity over the lit, etc.

(I said, I'm getting to it.)

Me being me, I have doubts...where did I screw up, blah, blah, blah. And I'm in serious, never-doing-this-again mode. I don't think I'm going to be getting involved in anything once I get back. (You can stop laughing now)

So are you on the Facebook? It's blowing up with all the kids. Well, I'm now on Facebook as some of you know. Stuart's been on the Facebook for quite a while. Well, Summer's also on the Facebook. And when you're friends with someone on the Facebook, you basically give them permission to stalk you - even if you don't want them to. The only way you can get them to not Facestalk you is to unfriend them. I want that to be clear, so that those of you not familiar with the Facebook understand what's happening here.

This morning I was treated to this:

Uh...OK...I guess I'd vote for her...but for what, Miss Socket Wrench 2009? I guess maybe she may need to mature a little...ahem...politically, I mean. I know it's not my responsibility any more, but I feel I should say something to

"Hey, nice cans..." no, that's not it...uh, like "Are you related to Louise Slaughter?" Jeez, come on Dave, focus! OK, one more time. How about, "You're 25 years old and you want people to take you seriously. Those are pictures for paparazzi, not stuff you post on the internet of yourself." That's closer.

3 more weeks.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm Not Back Yet!

Checking my e-mail today...I get something from RG&E. Yep...Rochester Gas & Electric.

When I was in Rochester, I paid my RG&E bill online...but since I left I had not heard from them...until today.

When I saw the e-mail and the subject (New RG&E Document), I'm thinking...Oh crap...I STILL owe them something??!??

Then I open the e-mail:

A new bill invoice for account number 20014845919 is due 12/19/2008 for the bill amount of $ -1.45.
Click here to view and pay your RG&E bill

Uh...seriously? If I click, you're going to give me $1.45? And will I have a bigger penis, make money from foreclosed homes and get $2,000,000 from the Department of Ball Bearings in Nigeria???


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Another Timetable Shot to Hell

On December 3rd there's going to be a school / parent meeting. Our communication or lack thereof has gotten so out of hand that they're having a meeting to clear a bunch of stuff up. The funny thing about all of this is:

*There's acknoledgement that there's a problem, but still no acceptance of responsibility or plan for serious change. In fact, the school...or should I say, it's leaders have pretty much painted themselves into a corner by relying on such lousy technology that they couldn't afford to change it even if they could.

*The solutions all the teachers are talking about to "get control" of the school again are very traditional. Punishments and rewards, grade everything, reduce the field outings, etc. It'll calm the parents down, but it's not going to change squat. Everything they're going to be doing is based on external motivation.

*The new schedule they're going to employ and explain to the parents on Wednesday doesn't have me in it. Also, in the spirit of communication, they're going to need to explain that a new Teacher's Assistant and Clerk are going to be on board. So we're going to moving up the timetable on the announcement of my leaving by a couple of weeks.

It's not going to be a total disaster, I'm just going to have to answer the same questions over and over and there will be more passive-aggressiveness by the kids who don't want me to leave. But it won't be too bad...I hope.


A couple of weeks ago, I told one of the kids how much she reminded me of Suzie...Suzee...Suzey...uh...Suzi...whatever. Susan Gibney. Oh, there's those out there who don't know who that is. Suz...uh...damn...Susan is the sister-in-law of my Cousin Jill, who can read this blog, but doesn't. Susan is an actress. You may have seen her on one of the Star Treks, I get 'em all confused, Crossing Jordan and many others....

Here's her IMDB page.

Anyway, I have this 6th grader who so reminds me of a little Susan. Actually, I didn't realize it for just hit me a couple of weeks ago. So I told the kid about it and told her I'd e-mail Susan to tell her. So every other day I would get, "Did Susan e-mail you back yet?" No...not yet. So she asked me again today and we had a few minutes, so I grabbed my cell phone and called her. After I talked for a while I let Lily talk to her. It was the cutest thing ever.

I think that's about all for now...most of you are probably reading this on T-Giving. Have a great holiday. I'm working most of the days, but have Friday completely off. If the roosters, babies and dog upstairs will let me, I'm going to sleep in, maybe make it up to the Labrynth and chill out before I go see Kanekoa with Jill. Then, it's back to work on Saturday. While I may be an unemployed bum, that first week I get back will be my first real vacation in a long, long time.

Jeez...I sent my resume to another place yesterday and I can't even remember what it was for. I gotta start keeping track of this stuff.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I've had this little e-mail conversation with the "campaign guru". He wanted my opinion on what "went wrong" with Summer's campaign. I don't know if I feel good about this or not, but he & I seem to be the only ones not happy with the result.

So I was pretty honest, but his last response...ouch babe! He called her a "princess" and not in a nice way along with a few other things. Seems as if he's already heard that she was hesitant to do the grunt work a candidate needs to do to win. He was a lot harder on her than I was.

But my last reply I think sums it up. She's 25 years old. When I was 25, I was a 300 pound blob who may have been a registered Republican. People change. And if she's not cut out to be a politician, she's still gonna make a very good community activist.

Job Hunt

Whoo Lordy!

I've applied for so many gigs I can't even remember them all. Of course I haven't heard much back...I mean, I'm telling folks that I won't be back in town until Christmas. What are they going to say? I have suggested phone interviews, but not many are keen on that idea. So let's see...what have I applied for:

  • I just sent my resume to Expeditionary Learning Schools to become a school designer in the Buffalo, Rochester, Ithaca area.

  • Rochester YMCA to be a Program Director

  • The United Way to run something that I don't even remember...I just know that I'd have to wear shoes and big boy pants.

  • Special Ed Teacher at Halpern Day Treament for Hillside.

  • The Center for Youth Services as some kind of school based counselor.

  • Deaf Services Manager at the Center for Disability Rights.

  • Treatment Coordinator at Continuing Developmental Services.

  • Santa Claus at Midtown Plaza.

OK, just kidding on the last one. There's others as well that I can't remember. Oh yeah...there was the trainer for some company that makes sealant...I'm kinda glad they didn't call back. My heart just isn't into sealant. Oh sure, I like things when they're sealed, but I just don't have the passion for sealant. Now if it was lubricant...I'd be all over that. But sealant...nah.

What was I talking about, again?

Oh yeah, a job. I was thinking about this last night. I really wish there was a way to do a Vin Scelsa be this radio guy who can pretty much do whatever he wants on the air. He had to go through a lot of cruddy radio jobs at a very young age, when the industry wasn't as smarmy so he's earned his right to do what he does. And I'm pretty sure he's not a rich guy by any means. But it sure would be cool to do that. I spend a fair amount of time on the podcast and would have a blast if somehow that could be a career. I mean I could really shape it into something unique if I could do it more than an hour a week. But I don't think the medium is viable to sustain a career on.

It would be cool, though.

Friday, November 21, 2008


I know this doesn't mean squat, scientifically, but it's November in Hawaii. It's kinda stifling and there is absolutely NO breeze. Something's gonna go down. I don't know what, but this isn't normal.

If I was a real Jew, my knee would be acting up.

Quick Updatey Type Things

*Got a flu shot yesterday. I forgot how oogy they make you feel. It's almost as if I'm hungover right now.

*I guess this will show how obsolete I've become at school. So now that they know I'm leaving, they've decided to replace me with an Education Assistant and a part-time clerk. That's what they're doing with my salary. I guess they don't need Social Studies that much afterall. I sure hope the door doesn't hit my ass on the way out.

*In our Friday meeting today, they kept talking about two sets of rules, one for the teachers and the other for the students...kind of the venn diagram of expectations. Earlier today I heard the 2 new teachers saying how we need to split the kids into grades more. And we're already tracking the kids based on their math skills, thus creating an education hiarchy. And everyone treats the crap kids like they're crap and the "elites" like the elites...and that's how the kids act. And the reaction to all this is more discipline, more external punishments and rewards and no teaching of self-control. Honestly, though, that's the route they have to go as no one here is really versed in helping kids understand internal motivators. I'm getting out of here just in's turning into a traditional school very quickly.

*Well, my dreams of coming back to Rochester with some control over my finances went up in smoke this week. It looks like I'll be back with a five figure debt-load and no job to start paying it off. I'm sure glad there's not a recession...DOH!

*Believe it or not, I'm actually in a decent mood. Today's school happenings really showed me how right I am to leave. And while I may need to come back to that crazy 3 job / 7 day-a-week thing again, I'm going to do my darnedest to make it so I can do things that are important. I'm fairly confident that I'll be saying "no" to more people/groups...for a while anyway. Stop laughing, I mean it this time!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Right Time to Get Out

Yeah...there's a whole bunch of handwriting on the wall here.

First of all, I got an e-mail from a parent last week, asking why there were so few social studies grades for his kid. Oh, by the way, we use a web-based program called PowerSchool. The concept is good, but the software sucks. Parents and students can see up-to-the-minute updates of what work has been done and the "grade". Teachers can also make notes about behavior or whatever.

So there's not a lot of social studies stuff because I haven't been teaching much. There's all this other stuff the kids have been doing. I explained this to the parent. Well, the Lead Teacher must have been blind copied in on the original e-mail as I got a note from Dan telling me that every time I interact with kids I should be grading it, even if it's just for behavior.

Well, those of you reading this already know how I'm going to react to that, so I'll leave out the f-bombs. Let's just say that it ain't happening and I just won't use him as a reference.

And the same Lead Teacher was away at a conference last week and the other teachers decided to use Friday planning time to come up with a big-ass list of things Dan has or hasn't been doing. It's seriously extensive. And one of the new teachers is going to have a meeting with Dan and Mark (director of KCS) about it. It's going to be a car wreck. And I'm not involved.

Yep. It's the right time to get out.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Loose Lips...Suck

Ironically, it was our school counselor who spilled the beans about me leaving school to the kids. She was standing next to me talking about who-knows-what...there was a student standing right in front of us, one of my favorite kids who I unofficially took on as a project...which is another story. And the counselor just, matter-of-factly mentioned me leaving. I didn't react on purpose, but 15 minutes later, as I was confronting one of our problem kids on his behavior, the kid tried to distract me by asking if I was leaving. Of course I just blew it off and stuck with the kid's behavior.

Today, Peggy mentioned that the kids are starting to talk about it. I'm pretty sure I'll be dealing with it on Monday. Oh well.


Told the landlord that I'm leaving today.


Talked to Mom about George (my step-father). As she was telling me about the stuff he's dealing with in the hospital I was literally doubled over in "empathy pain". Unfortunately I picked the wrong time to call as I was waiting with kids for their parents. They thought I was having a reaction to lunch.


Holy Crap!!! We went over the schedule for the next 2 weeks. I'm actually going to have to teach! A lot! Like, lesson plans and using my college edumication. Maybe we could just watch YouTube videos for 3 days.

Actually, my teaching has been so sporadic that I'm not really in the middle of anything thematic-wise. I can actually do a mini-unit on something...hmmmm...hello commrades....

My Last Hurrah: Actually, the Land Use Committee of the Maui County Council is holding a hearing on the Makena Development that our local rich guy is trying to get fast tracked's on Wednesday morning and I'm trucking in a van of kids to put a MFing boot on that. Looks like Daddy's gotta get his big boy pants out for that day.


I had to go buy pants. Seriously. I realized that I own a pair of sweatpants, a pair of jeans that have been ripped apart by kiawe trees and one pair of big boy pants that are too big now and have always been kinda high-watery. So I went to Savers...which is Maui's version of GoodWill, but for clothes, a million times better. So now I have some pants.

Damn, I need shoes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Living in Paradise

Oh people back in Rochester may have had to brush snow off your car this morning, but did you have to deal with this?

Mmmmmm...Burnt sugar cane ash...and good for the lungs, too. I sure am glad the government is subsidizing them to stay in business.

On a brighter note, after only 2 days of the petition being up to get Linda Darling-Hammond appointed Secretary of Education, there's over 1000 signatures. Good deal. I'm working on a press release to send out to major news thingies in a day or so and Education Week e-mailed me, they want to do a short write-up on their website.

If you haven't signed...uh, like what are you waiting for? . There's info about her at the site.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Things They Don't Teach You How To Handle in Teacher School

"Mr. Atias, can you drive over more speed bumps, it helps my cramps."

Reason #27 why I prefer teaching girls than boys.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

That's why they call me "velvet"

Cuz I'm smooooooooth.

I'm at the Y as I tend to find myself on a Sunday morning. And the crazy spin class people are calling to reserve a bike for tomorrow's classes. They're junkies and I give them their fix...

At a relatively slow moment today, I took a call from a regular who...well, I'll just say that I have a teeny crush on...I think she's married and it would be creepy to flapjack a member of the Y while working. But I was feeling a little daring.

So she called and asked if there was any room in the afternoon spin class.

Now here's where the story gets a little hazy. Because I can't quite remember which of the following I said:

Response 1: Of course. There's always room for you.

Response 2: Of course. I always have a seat for you.

Now, I'm sure you can see that Response 2 is far more creepier. I just can't remember which one I actually said. I'm pretty sure it was the first, but....


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This is going to be a bit long...and maybe rambling. But I'm basically using this blog to work something out in my head. You can read all the way through, read it in parts or just skip it all together, but it's something that I need to do.

I had to scrap the lesson I had planned for school today. The first thing a student asked me at the beginning of my first class was, "Is Obama going to take all our money and give it to hobos?"

On this stupid island, homeless people are called hobos. I don't know why. We don't have trains. But no one wants to hear it from a dumb houlie.

So instead of what I planned, we spent the whole hour - for each of my 3 classes - talking about the election and what it meant. I think I was as neutral as I could be, but not to the point of accepting the lies of either side. I acknowledged the historic perspective of the election, but I also pointed out that since last night and this morning, there have been people who have called "nigger" (note: not "my nigga"). There have been people who have been discriminated against because of the color of their skin, or their gender or some other stupid reason. This election doesn't "fix" anything. It is a step in creating a better society.

Then, I made sure my kids understood that all the extremes that people are worried about (on both sides) are not going to happen. This guy is calm, efficient and centrist. All your money isn't going to hobos and we're not pulling our troops out of anywhere. Christ, there's rumors he wants to ask Colin Powell to be Secretary of Education. Huh?

I shake my head at people who call themselves progressives who think this is the second coming. And in the last 24 hours I've seen, I'm trying to get away from labels...friends who disagree, say that our country is in trouble now.

Now, I know that some of you (and you know who you are) think my - as Nart called it last week - fundamentalist lefty ways are quaint. I've been condescended to a few times and I've pretty much shrugged it off. But seriously, how could this country get into worse trouble? Forget about who's to blame - exactly how is it going to get worse? I don't make more than I did before and my taxes have never been higher. We've been in two mistakes of a war for a long time. Do you think Obama is going to bring us a third? We give billions in free money to corporations. It doesn't trickle down. Exactly what is it you are afraid of?

I promised my students that in whatever time Obama is in office, that if at some point, this country has real, socialistic, universal health care, I will change my registration to Democrat and stay that way for the rest of my life.

I'm not sweating it.

I'm used to the media dismissing Green candidates, but the silence about Cynthia McKinney was absolutely deafening. I mean it had to be, because she was the only one putting it on both the R's & D's and the media, whether it be Fox, NBC, CNN, HuffingtonPost, whomever wanted nothing to do with the truth. And I'm sorry, but she was speaking the truth.

OK...I'll get off this and switch to something we can all agree is more

So what's a fundamentalist lefty to do?

I sent an e-mail to a few folks, some of you who read this on occasion, telling you that I'll be home for good on Christmas. One response not-so-subtly hinted that I should show up and re-take over the local Greens, as if that's what I wanted to happen before. That's not going to happen. In fact, I don't think that's going to be my future direction.

Again, I'm still working through this in my head. I called somebody up a few weeks ago to bounce the idea of going Dem and running for office in the city. That way I could get in and really change things. The more I let that run around my head, the less that appealed to me. Running as a Green doesn't appeal to me either. Oh, I still agree with the Green's platform, but I think it's just butting your head against a wall. The refusal to see more than 2 parties is stronger than ever.

There's the non-political activist route, which is vital, but I do firmly believe that there won't be real, humanistic change without change in the structure in our political system. It affects our politics (duh), but it also affects any non-political change as well. If you want to change your neighborhood, you have governmental hoops you have to jump through. Politics.

So now I'm thinking...what can be done to change the political landscape in Rochester? Run for office or run another campaign? I don't think so. But is there something that can change the way elections are run, something that is being used already in cities in the US that is proven to increase participation in government and increase discussion over solutions to problems? Why, yes there is.

But that's not enough to satisfy me. Nope. I got involved in politics and activism because I recognize that people are suffering, and they don't need to be. Many of us are not able to put themselves into generations of poverty and discrimination and think about the affect that has on mindset. I have. So something needs to be done relatively quick to break that. Can it be done quickly on a macro level? Well, yeah, but it ain't going to happen. So how can I help deal with that on a micro level? Is there something I can do that helps people take care of the basics: food, jobs, health care, education, etc? Why, yes there is.

I think it's going to be pretty interesting when I get back. But first I need a freakin job.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What the???

Today was just a messed up day.

I got to school in a relatively decent mood. Then people had to show up. Seems that the schedule we agreed on had been revised 3 or 4 times...since yesterday. I was actually scheduled to teach today ( ! ) and I did, but at every step I had to find other teachers to ask what the hell was going on, who was doing what and for how long. In spite of that, I actually got some work done with kids that helped them with their projects that I'm really not involved with. In my mind anyway, after lunch I was supposed to work with one group of kids for the last 2 hours. I didn't have to, but it worked out that they had nothing scheduled and needed something and I didn't have to chauffeur anyone at that time so I jumped on it. I spent a couple of hours last night getting this cool role play ready and right after lunch I'm told that my lesson was scrapped.

I threw a fit. Not a big fit. Not a hissy fit. But an unprofessional fit. And while I was in the staff office when I threw it, for some unexplained reason, there was a bunch of kids in there. It was just all my professional of not knowing what we were doing; of things in constant flux and I lost it.

I will say this about my co-workers...they sure do give in to dramatics. It has never failed. I don't calculate this stuff, but whenever I go diva, I get what I want. But honestly, my diva-ness only comes out when there's prolonged incompetence. But I'm sure Whitney says that, too.

So I did my lesson. It was chaotic and I had a hard time keeping them in control, but in the end it went well and all the kids enjoyed it and I think my academic propaganda got through. And so the day ended. Or so I thought....

Kids are being kids...acting all crazy as it's time to leave. I go out into the hall and there's one of my lovely little children. Now, confidentiality issues mean I can't go into too much detail here, but this kid is one of our..."special" kids. He's very awkward socially, a bit defiant. He's a borderline Hillside kid. Maybe a day treatment kid. But to the layperson, he's weird and a bit of a dick.

So the kid comes up to me in the hall and says:

Kid: I heard we don't have school tomorrow because it's Halloween.

Mr. A: I don't know about that, but the teachers have an all-day training. It may have been scheduled for tomorrow because of that, but I don't know if that's the reason.

Kid: Oh...OK. [Mr. A turns to walk away] Mr. Atias?

Mr. A: [Turns around to face Kid] Yeah?

Kid: Would you like a massage? I give massages.

Mr. A: [Extremely awkward pause followed by response using a volume level that showed uncomfortableness] No thanks! I'm good! See ya tomorrow!

[End scene.]

Where the fuck did that come from? Every teacher in the program I told this to had dumbfounded looks on their faces.


I sure wish I could harness this power I seem to have.


I was going to end the post here, but I thought I should elaborate just so no one gets the wrong idea.

I really can't go into details about the kid, but let's just say that anything involving physical contact with any human is out of character for him. And he doesn't initiate interactions unless he wants something. Our reactions were not about the possible orientation issues, but more of the special ed issues. The fact that it involved borderline hitting on a teacher is secondary.

This Is Your Life


So Nart sent me an e-mail giving me a rundown of what he's been up to for the past...oh...20 years. Hmmm...uh...kinda makes my stuff look pretty insignificant. So, when it was my turn to let him know what I've been doing. It was actually kinda sad.

For better or worse, I highly recommend that you do what I just did. Type or write as if you were telling someone you haven't seen for 20 years...what have you been up to during that time. I just finished, so I'm still kind of distilling it, but it was humbling.

I was going to post what I sent in that e-mail, but eh...for right now I prefer to inflict my pathos on one person at a time.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Joys of Cyberstalking

Yeah, I know. It's creepy, but come on, like other things that no one talks about, we all do it. I have no idea where I am on the spectrum, but I admit, from time-to-time I'll try to find an old friend. It rarely pays off, but what it lacks in quantity, usually gets made up for in quality.

I don't think anyone's going to remember this reference...maybe my Mom...maybe Ed. But back in the Syracuse days I had a roommate who was from Jordan. His father was the Jordanian ambassador to France, so he spent breaks in Paris...the poor bastard. After I left, he was the one person I went back to visit, but eventually lost touch with him. I did have a phone number for his family in Amman (I'm finding it spelled 2 different ways)...and when I was living with Ed on Edmonds Street, the US started bombing Jordan for some if we ever need a reason to bomb anyone... I was laid up with a busted ankle and drunk and called him to see if he was 3am his time, waking up his family. Sound familiar, Felix?

Anyway, while I remember him with his underwear on his head in college (and other things I'd rather not mention) he ended up becoming this serious big-wig for a major Arab news agency. Dude was never into journalism. [Correction: wait a minute...he majored in journalism...I don't remember him going to class...oh wait...that was me...nevermind] As I've cyberstalked him over the years, I noticed that he's getting interviewed by CNN and others on serious stuff...and I'm thinking...I remember that guy puking...and other things I'd rather not mention.

The funny thing was, I could not find contact info for the guy. No matter what I did...nothing. So this past weekend I thought I'd throw his name into Google once again. Seems that he has a new gig working for Reuters in London. There was some conference where he was speaking...did I mention that I remember the cast of his broken leg banging against the wall when he was having sex with his girlfriend...and other things I don't want to talk about.

So I found a generic e-mail address for a conference that was over months ago and sent them a note asking that if they had dude's e-mail, if they could forward mine to him, blah, blah, blah. When I woke up this morning this was in my mailbox:

You have no idea how many times I have tried to find you! I even tried to find people who might give me your news but with no luck. So much to tell you, but wanted to drop a quick line to establish contact. Tell me everything..
Well done going through ABF and all the best

Today was the first time I was in a genuinely good mood in a long time. Even the chaos at work didn't matter. I sure hope this isn't the start of some kind of bromance.

Just kidding, I was just trying to find a way to use the word "bromance". But whether he knows it or not, Nart was really influential for me on how I see the world. Oh, I don't think we agree on a lot of stuff, but it definitely gave me perspective. And I remember his was really distinctive.

Oh my God, this is a bromance!

Seriously, just kidding.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

This could be...

...the greatest feat in the history of music.

Half-Empty or Half-Full

I'm going to go with half-full today.

I had to do laundry before work. Right before I left, I did a quick financial inventory...supposed I wanted to leave here in December, even if I didn't have a job. Hmmmm...not that possible. I haven't been getting my debt lowered as much as I wanted to. So I resigned myself to - if I can get a job before December, then I'll leave.

So I went to the laundromat. What has been a habit, if I'm doing laundry in the morning or early afternoon, I usually give Jimena a call, though I was a bit hesitant. I know I've said this a million times, but I truly am getting tired of using my friends (and this blog) as just people to bitch to. But again, a habit is a habit.

As usual, our conversation went well. She doesn't seem to mind my grumpiness. But when I told her about not being able to come back no matter what she started questioning me on that. So, I don't know if it's going to happen (it would mean a longer stint in the Kaminski guest room), but it did get me a bit motivated.

Today's pretty dead at the Y - I'm there now - so I've spent most of my time applying for more gigs. The Center for Youth Services, the United Way & Continuing Developmental Services (CDS). I also did a little online research as to what I may get for my car...from what I still owe, I'm going to get spanked on that no matter when I leave.

Each Friday...when we have our staff meeting at school, to plan the next week, I get more fed up. I can't believe that anyone would think we're doing what's best for our kids. The sad thing is, looking at the state of education in Hawaii, we're not really that bad. But I can't work like this. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing on a day-to-day basis. I didn't even work like that when I was in a cottage at Hillside.

But I'm going to keep cranking out those resumes and we'll see what happens. I have less than a month until I have to start giving notices (job & apt) if I'm going to leave in December.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stupid Third World Country pt. 12

I'm working at the Y tonight. And for whatever reason, a bird, a slight breeze, whatever, the power goes out. When it comes back on a few seconds later the fire alarm won't turn off and a burning plastic smell starts spreading through the lobby.

Of course I can't find a flashlight or a director. Finally, the fitness director comes in...I've already called the fire department. She tells me to evacuate the building.

I can't get these idiots to leave. I'm serious. It's worse than a Middle School fire drill. I had to tap a dumbass on the head who refused to get out of the pool - he wouldn't listen to the lifeguard. Idiots wanted to shower first.

Eh you like dose toxic fumes?


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Stupid Cute Kids

So it's been another week at school of organizational chaos...every day I / we have to pull ideas and decisions out of our asses thanks to no leadership and no structure. I'm trying not to show my frustration in front of the kids, but it's difficult.

Mini-Tangent Alert: I've already started looking for work back in Rochester. I sent resume's to the Center for Disability Rights for a Manager of Deaf Services and to Alternatives for Battered Women, for a Domestic Violence Education Coordinator. I contacted the City School District and updated my online teaching application through BOCES. Around Thanksgiving I'll pick it up for smaller gigs. OK...Tangent over.

So, thanks to not being able to get anything cool for us to do this week for our field outing (I found out about that I had to plan it last Friday afternoon) I took kids to the library to do research for their upcoming science projects, that I'm really not involved with. Because we've pretty much gone to tracking the kids, today's group was the "good" group. The teachers call them that in private and the rest of the kids do as well. But I digress.

One of my little 6th graders finished her assignment early, and being a little hyper she decided to hang around Mr. Atias and talk. Well, I'm starting to wonder if I should be flattered or not that the kids feel comfortable in saying anything around me. Somehow this child came to the conclusion that I need a wife. (I know, I know)

Well, it seems that she has taken it on as her mission in life to find me a wife. Great. An arranged marriage. By an 11-year-old. My life has sunk to this. At least she stopped trying to pawn off her grandmother on me. (Grandma actually lives in Rochester of all places...and the kid's parents are from the Flower the ice cream truck/child abduction van plays every day in my hood: it's a small world afterall.)

She's threatening to put an ad in the Maui News.

Stupid cute kids.

Seriously though...I'm starting to get an oogy feeling...the new 6th graders are starting to bond with me. And I'm going to leave.


Monday, October 20, 2008

You May Need Some Caffine For This

Norm Chomsky isn't the most dynamic speaker in the world, but if you have a cup of coffee and 10 minutes to spare, this is interesting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Save Me a Shovel

Well, that may be a bit premature, but I've stepped up my timetable a bit. Work's gotten to be a bit too much, especially if my non-work hours suck as bad as they do. So I'm starting to look for work back in Rochester for January. Again, doesn't mean I'm coming. If I find a job, cool. Right now, I'll even take a long-term sub job if it lasts the rest of the school year.

The charter school has just gotten too unpredictable. We have one teacher who goes on her own and books these massive extra-curricular stuff that affects the entire school and the lead teacher insists on planning the next week on the Friday before. I just found out on Friday afternoon that I have to plan our field outing for this coming week. That's bullshit. I'm just tired of having no control over my schedule, I have no idea what I'm teaching from day to day. Right now, it's just a job and one I don't really like that much, so if I have nothing else going on in Hawaii, I really don't have a reason to stay.

So, I'll see if I can figure something out for the holiday. I've already sent a note to the City School District and I'll update my teaching stuff on the BOCES website for a bunch of the suburban schools. And I'll be scoping out all the social agencies.

Let me know if you see any gigs you think I could survive in.

Oh...brief PS...I was talking to a few people about a possible gig with Amnesty International. I was just informed that with the economy that they've instituted a hiring freeze and the postition won't be posted for (at least) six months if ever.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Dare You to Download These

I've been meaning to get around to this and it's been dead at the Y so here it is...

Whitee Ringtones!!!

Yep. You download them to your computer then do whatever voodoo you need to to get it to your phone. Usually a USB cord does the trick, though you may have to get a driver for it.

Jesus Just Wants to Dance
The Stuart Bedasso Theme Song

They're safe for work...relatively...Sexmom is close to the line. They're less than 30 seconds of the beginning of each. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back to School

Today was the first day back after the break. Which was good...I needed to get back in a routine. I feel very unproductive otherwise. I didn't do any of the "relaxing" stuff I said I was going to, but I did get some stuff done that absolutely needed to.

I'm pretty much in a coasting kind of mode where school's concerned. The way things are going and with my future pretty much set, I'm not going to try to plan some huge project, I'll just hitch onto the science ones and put my stamp on those. For example, the next one the kids have to do is to - in pairs - find some environmental cause on the island that needs changing and come up with a solution. I'm not explaining it very well, but it has potential.

So to do this, the kids will have to find out if any organization or group is working on the same thing. So we're going over the branches and levels of government. Then we'll be looking at all the environmental groups on the island. And I'll also be teaching a lot of kids about working with video. Not the traditional social studies stuff, but it'll keep my interest up.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Catching Up

Since I turned the blog into something "private", a bunch of folks changed their e-mail addresses. So I re-did some invitations and added a few more. That should get everyone updated. Let me know if there's anything different I should do.

I guess you can assume it's a pretty dead day at the Y. People just aren't choosing to get themselves clean, have a good meal, do whatever they feel.

New Podcast

By the way, Jill & I did a pretty good show last night. If you need to kill an hour, check it out. You can also hear it on our MySpace Page.

A Day Late, $2300 Short

Here's a mildly amusing thing that happened last week. This was primarily a voicemail conversation I had with someone. I got a call from an area code I didn't recognize so I let it go to VM and checked it later. It seems that Summer was just endorsed by Emily's List. A PAC of female democrats who normally endorse in national-level races. The person calling need information so they could make a donation. So I called her back and got her voicemail so I could tell her that we lost in the Primary 2 weeks ago.

Ah...there's nothing like a well-organized team, eh.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


So today I had a chance to talk with the lovely & talented Molly Clifford. You know...NET Office, ran Bob Duffy's campaign.

We chatted about how things were going in Rochester...and how things are doing in a certain section of Rochester...and she even said to hurry back because Rochester needs me...

...and I don't think she was being completely sarcastic.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


She called me buddy...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where's My Sticker?

I voted today. By absentee ballot. I figured there was a possibility that I'd be busy on election day...with Summer's campaign. So I got an absentee ballot. It was interesting. The state has a state Board of Education. There's no local rule. I didn't even know there was anyone up for it. I had to do some quick online research and I couldn't find much. I didn't vote in one of the races because I couldn't find info on either person. And then there's the OHA races. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs. I didn't feel it was appropriate that I vote for that, so I left it blank. Jesus, we need to give these islands back to the Hawaiians and get the fuck out.

State Rep...both were so repugnant, I couldn't vote for either. I voted for the relative progressives in every election for County Council. Then there was the biggie...yep. You know where I went. Cynthia McKinney has at least one vote now. Remember...if you're in a definite Obama state (cough...cough...New York) the Green Party only needs 5% of the vote.

On the back of the ballot were two referendum issues. One was lowering the age requirement to run for Governor from 30 to 25. I didn't know that was going to be on the ballot, but I voted No. I gave it serious thought...Age doesn't make someone a good candidate - look at McCain - but I've found that life experience is important. Sure, there'll be exceptions to that...people who are "older than their years," but I'm back to being an "elitist". I want people in charge who are experienced. It's the kind of experience that helps you differentiate in the booth.

But the most interesting one was the referendum that every state has from time to time...the dreaded Constitutional Convention...[insert dramatic music here]...should there be one.

I remember the last time New York had to deal with that. Oooh was there a lot of discussion. The main argument then, and now, and in every referendum, is that the special interests will get ahold of it and will make things worse.

Now, stop and think about this for a minute. The people who hold this view are labeled "pragmatic". I label them "lazy ass bitches". Because, at best, they may e-mail a letter to the editor, but would never dream of traveling to their state capital and demanding that the convention be upright. They wouldn't take off from work and bring their kids to lobby their representatives. Hell, they wouldn't even put that stupid bluetooth thing in their ear and call their state rep while going from Starbucks to Crap-Mart.

I voted "yes". And when it comes up in New York...I'll vote and lobby "yes" again.

I'm not an idealist, I'm just fed up.

So, where's my "I Voted Today" sticker? This state sucks.

Quick Update

Hey Gang,

I know I haven't posted in a while. I'm on "vacation", from school anyway. I've been working at the Y, doing a few radio shifts and just trying to catch up on a few things that needs attention. I'm also spending a lot of mental energy figuring out what I'm going to be doing post-Hawaii. A few ideas are taking shape and...well, we'll see. I've already started talking to a few people about...uh, things. Let's just leave it at that for now.

So, there's not much stuff happening right now. I'll be jumping into my prep for the next school quarter in a couple of days, then it'll be back to the grind.


Friday, September 26, 2008

I Thought I Was Bad

I'm pretty sure I posted the background info before. Summer's campaign is over and I offered my services to a few other candidates who didn't have primaries to deal with. Two of them, I'll probably make some phone calls, maybe do a mailing or something...stuff I can do in my sleep.

But there's this other one...Her signs have been out for a while. I'm fine with where she stands on the issues, but there's something about her that seems to rub people the wrong way. Not necessarily the "masses" but politicos. I can't quite put my finger on it. But I will give a really good example:

Weeks ago - before the primary - she was telling me how she hadn't found a campaign manager until just recently, but the person wasn't experienced. She wondered if I would meet with her just to "compare notes". Sure. No problem. Well, from that time to the next time we talked (10 days, maybe) she had a different person, but she still wanted me to meet with her. OK...this time I got a phone number. I called and we set a (relatively) inconvenient time to meet. The day before, the person called and canceled. OK. Then, I bump into the candidate at the "loser party" on primary night. Now she has a "committee" of 2 people and the 4 of us should meet. OK, we set a date for Saturday (which is tomorrow for when I'm typing this). Tonight she called me and told me that they didn't work out so she's going to go the rest of the way on her own, but would like to meet. So I'm going to meet her in the morning.

But it's really funny. If she can't work with that many people, how is she going to work with the other County Council members? Again, I'm pretty sure it's her first time running for anything, so maybe she'll learn. And I'll have another story about her on the next podcast.

Oh...and I forgot to mention...she's a child psychologist who specializes in play therapy...and she is so unlaid back...I can see her admonishing a kid for not playing right. I've slipped a number of mini-jokes within our conversations and she usually doesn't get any of them. Oy.

Other Stuff: I'm on "vacation" the next 2 weeks. I still have to work at the Y and I don't have any money, but the sleep will do me good. Don't tell all the kiddies, but I have a new CD I'm planning to send the little folk. I'll be sending it out next week. No "yo mama" jokes this time...I promise. The anti-global warming family struck again. In an e-mail to my direct supervisor, the grandfather was bitching about a number of things. In the sentence directed at me he asked if I was through with my political stuff so I could finish my grading. Uh...hey, Rush...I'm the only teacher caught up with my grading. YOUR granddaughter hasn't turned in a damn thing all year. Asshat...

I really don't like the direction the school is going in. No organization, flying by seats of our pants on a daily basis. We're really not going into depth on any subject matter. We're dealing with kids' behavior in a very traditional-yet-laisse faire manner. Having said that...yesterday, a huge number of the new kids couldn't tell me after 9 weeks what subject I taught. They all love my classes, but had no idea it was social studies. THAT, is the highest compliment. I've done Hawaiian history/culture, human rights, current events, elephant poaching in Africa and more and they had no freakin clue. Awesome.

The kids had off today, but we had a work day. I used the occasion to get some "permission". The same thing happened last year. I get mixed messages about standards vs uh...real teaching. So I basically got permission to teach whatever the hell I want. Heh, heh. Heads are gonna spin. I'm on an island. I have a shit-load of technology, 74 middle schoolers, 2 huge vans, a corrupt local government and a cable access CEO who owes me so long and hard that he won't know what to do when I call him on it. I'm on a mission from God.

Message to GLB: Good conversation today! I'm waiting for the sounded cool. As for my stuff...I'm still going through with applying, but just from thinking about it...I'm leaning toward the hometown angle. I looked online...I can deal with the old hood. But there's plenty of time. Stretch out the achilles...I'll have a hoop!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What's in Store?

Well, some time's gone by (days, anyway) and I'm relatively over the election. I'm trying to focus on a couple of things...the job I have and the job I'm going to need. The weird thing is, the ideas that pop up for me in terms of the jobs I'm going to need are not things I can fall into the minute I get back to the mainland.

Which means I'm going to need a "get-by" gig...the easy fix is Hillside...I can probably always have a job there, but I know I sure don't want to do any more cottage work. I'm done with restraints - and even though the agency is going towards being hands off, but they keep bringing in more aggressive kids. I could easily be a teacher's assistant in their school, but I remember the last time I was there. There was an all-out riot. And the agency is insisting on at least 3 people to a hold? I don't think so.

As for the long-term things, my brain is going back and forth between 2 options. I'd rather not go into details because I'm still trying to flesh both of them out and who knows...I could just end up seeing if they need someone to cook hot dogs at Nick's.

Truth is...the minimum I'd like to do right now, is get back home, find a job so that I can start seeing my therapist again and work my shit out.

Stupid School Without Walls...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

So the day started off, pretty much as a continuation of yesterday. I ended up in an argument with a couple of crazies at the Y...I was relatively calm until one of them called me a "fucking hou'lie" (I still haven't learned to spell that word). I have more respect for this place than most of the Hawaiians I've met, plus the fact that I was in a bad mood. I didn't do anything that would've gotten me fired, but it will be interesting to see what happens next week when those fuckers show up at 10am to reserve a bike for the next day's spin class. was boring. I planned on working out after, but I just wasn't into it, so I went back to Kihei, grabbed something to eat and went to school to check on a few things. Waiting for me were e-mails from parents who are freaking because their kids have to work in school for the first time in their lives - and it. So I dealt with that, watched some Daily Show & Colbert online and went home to upload the podcast Jill & I recorded last night. It was a good show. Then I downloaded the new Mitch Hedberg's pretty funny. I'll play a cut off it on the podcast next week. Probably "Phil" for Mike & Erick. And right now...I'm about to start a book. And get's fiction. And not like historical fiction. An actual story.

I feel like doody right now, but I'm going to figure a way out of this.

The Song Remains the Same

Stupid politics.

Yeah...we lost. By 500 votes. I went to the cable access party thing...everyone was impressed with the job we did, first time candidate, blah, blah, blah. I hate it when The Man wins. My line is that we made some mistakes but nothing that cost us votes...but god damn it...we could've gotten those votes. There was a 20% turnout. Did I mention that Maui county has the worst voter turnout in the country...there has to be one county in last and we're it.

We shouldn't have lost this. There's no f-ing way. I'm sorry to put y'all through this, but I need to get this over with.

*the campaign lit that I was saddled with for the campaign was horrible. The people who designed it are supposed to be experienced.

*I couldn't get the parents to pick it up a notch. Seriously...if they could have done just a little of what I asked, I think we could've gotten 500 more votes.

*There was this group of people at the end who discovered that they liked going door-to-door and took care of the town of Kula for us. They wanted more, so I told them to see what parts of Makawao Summer had - she was supposed to do Makawao and I was doing Pukalani. She had at least 5 pieces of the district that wasn't done. I don't think she did as much door-to-door as she said...I don't know this for a fact, but...

*The radio ad she made SUCKED. She did it without me. I said she should come to my place and we'll do it here. I do radio...I do podcasts...I know how to do audio. One of her poser local friends who talked all this shit, but wouldn't get off his ass and lift a finger for the campaign did the spot with Summer and it sounded like a pidgeon high school production. Our weakness was that she was young and that ad made her sound young and unprofessional.

*Summer also went on her own and changed some of the stations that the ads were to play on, I had it set...she went for the younger demographic...who on Maui don't vote!

*All these people busted their asses for the $100 a person fundraiser, but hardly shit was done for the "working-class" meet & greet. And that's why nobody showed for it. Honestly...there's some real snobbery around Summer...particularly with the women-folk.

*The secret weapon...the potholders, were supposed to have gone out almost 2 weeks earlier than they did. Why didn't they? Because Summer kept asking the designer to tweak things with the lit that went with it...I mean piddly stuff. So the printing was delayed. Then the special envelopes for the mailing turned out to be 1/4 an inch too small when we went with the same ones another campaign used (connected to campaign guru guy).

This isn't a blame thing. Every campaign has stuff like this...or their own version of it. But I was supposed to be the one to get people through this and I didn't do the job. It's really that simple. That's what the campaign manager does and I didn't.

Other quick observations...this guy who runs the cable access station. He took up a lot my time bitching about Kyle Yamashita. Telling me about how sleezy this guy is, how he tried to get the station shut down, blah, blah, blah. So I called him on it. I told him that here's his chance to help get rid of Kyle. He didn't do shit. And he knows it. He avoided me all night at the party tonight...and he should have.

There was another candidate who lost to an in-the-pocket-of-big-money incumbent tonight. Tasha Kama. In a poll done by some unions last week, Tasha was ahead of the incumbent and Summer was even with Kyle. Then the election happens and both lose to the two biggest corporate puppets. At the beginning of the campaign there were some people who were complaining about the new voting machines, that they could be easily hacked, etc. Just like in Ohio in 2004. But nothing was done. I hear how dirty politics are here...I'm wondering if Tasha & Summer had their elections stolen. I have no way of proving it, but to be honest, it just doesn't add up. We've had such overwhelming response from people we talked to...Kyle didn't do shit, but give out some recycled bags and give the Isaac to people from the road. Same with Tasha. And unless the poll done was completely unreliable, the margin of error couldn't have been this big.

Well, a couple of other people I know are running in the general election for County Council. I offered to give them a hand during school break. Hopefully, I won't be the kiss of death for them.

Stupid politics.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Is it the end, or is it just beginning?

So as I type this, the polls are about 30 minutes from closing. In the last 24 hours I've made, literally, around 400 phone calls. A couple of people whom we've sent phone numbers to have called and said they've had tremendous success with their calls. And I have to admit, there were a lot of calls I had to people who had either already voted for Summer or were about to. People got their potholders and except for this one couple who I know from the Y and who live in the district, everyone really dug them. There were the usual can't make 1300+ phone calls and not get them, but seriously, there was a seriously good vibe coming from the quality and quantity of results.

I found out that the Unions did a poll last week. Summer & Kyle were just about even. Since then, people have gotten the potholder and a hand-addressed letter. A little later than we wanted, but hey...what happened, happened.

So over the past 2 days, I've gone back and forth about if I'm going to continue with the campaign - assuming we win tonight. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stay with it. To be honest, it's mostly for myself now. I want to be able to say that I won this thing. We both know one person doesn't win a campaign, but you know what I mean. I've been involved in campaigns with candidates who should have won and now I can do one that should have and does win can be in the same sentence.

My plan is to - again, assuming we win tonight - meet with Summer on Tuesday. Plan out a strategy for what needs to be done and just divide up the duties. And do be honest, I'm not going to volunteer to do much. She wants to have control over it all so I'm going to let her have it. It's not worth getting pissed off about. And besides, the general election is going to be way easier than the primary. You have to really fuck up to lose a general if you're a Democrat here.

Probably more ads, which Summer can do. The next Kula Forum...Summer. An Op-ed...Summer. New mailing...Summer. Then phone

Then there's the signwaving thing. I have to give credit where it's due. The Republican kid has had to wait for the winner of this. And his "signwaving" has been to be by the side of the highway with (gas guzzling) pick-up trucks with his name all over it. But he's had 5 or 6 people in t-shirts picking up garbage instead of waving. Not bad, actually. If we do it, we're following him. So we're basically left to do the "traditional" signwave or nothing. Touche'.

Yesterday, I finally got "Yamashita-ed" I was driving upcountry and there was Kyle by the side of the road. He's a sign waving FREAK! He's like the Rainman of signwaving. He pointed right at me and made eye-contact...I felt like Frodo and he was Sauron. (sorry for the geeky LTR's reference)

Well, that's about it for the campaign update. If I stay up until 1 or so, I may be able to see the results...even then, maybe. I can go to a "party" at the local cable access station at't decided. It won't be a party I can have fun at so...

I'm just glad this part is freakin over.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Trying to Get to Sleep

I'm home now. It's way past my bedtime, but I'm overtired and I've had too much caffine, too late so I'm just trying to bore myself into getting sleepy. I haven't blogged much lately because it's just been school and the campaign. School is pretty much a free-for-all right now. There are people who are pretty under-qualified doing jobs they shouldn't be and it's not a great way to run any organization. It's sad when I'm the voice of reason. But in spite of that there is some educatin' happening, though we're doing more breadth than depth right now. In spite of what is said, number grades are the order of the day. Blah, blah, blah.

Campaign? Well, to the outside looking in, we're doing well. Calm, cool and collected. We have radio ads that started yesterday and print ads hitting today through Saturday. But it's been unorganized and chaotic. Summer asks me to handle things and when it's not the way she would do it, she goes around me to the person we're dealing with. Part of it is inexperience, part of it is being on pretty much is, if you want to get something done you have to do it yourself. She's going to need to get over that if she makes it to Oahu or else she won't have people who will work for her.

The incumbent is doing what he has to do...telling half-truths to distort his record, while we're not really hitting back. If we lose Saturday, that will be the reason why. My Get Out the Vote plan is down to trying to find people to do phone calls on Friday & Saturday (I'll end up doing most of the hundreds of calls) and sign waving - which was last on my list of priorities, but that's probably what Summer and her family will do...all day, probably.

I know it's cliche' but it's funny how the more things change the more they stay the same.

Oh, I meant to post this last week, but didn't get around to when I was at the Filipino Candidates Forum, I went to the bathroom. That's not the significant part. While I was there, they had these signs telling people to a) make sure you flush and b) please don't throw garbage down the toilet. Here is the graphic they used:

Who the hell is throwing ipods, computer mice and boxes of taffy in their toilets??? I do not understand the Filipino people.

Apple & Tree

An actual quote from a parent's e-mail to me:

I do not understand what Jamie's grade is in your class. Can you please explain what 33 means? Is she failing your class?

I think we may have an answer to your question...

(The name has been changed to protect the teacher)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So last night I talked to my Dad, who sent me a CD of pictures from the vacation where the whole family - except me - flew into Rochester. I hadn't had a chance to see the CD yet and when I told him, I was appropriately admonished. When I watched it, it just made me want to get out of here all the more. So what's a grown man to do?

Call his Mommy, of course. Well, THAT sure didn't help - though what is she going to say, "No, I don't think you should come home"? So again - I'll just keep my head down and get through what I gotta get through here.

I've got a little something percolating in my head...we'll see where it goes.

What? You want to hear more about the campaign? Gosh, I thought you'd all be sick of it by now, but OK...if you want more:

Tonight was the Filipino Candidate Forum. Quick thoughts...the Dem incumbent didn't show and the moderator told the group that he "chose not to come". Ooooh, that's gotta hurt...the Republican challenger was there (who Summer will have to run against when she wins the primary). It was my first time seeing him speak. He's an idiot. Seriously, he's even an idiot for a Republican (no offense). If he were to win, which he won't, I would be afraid for him. He'd get eaten alive in was the Filipino Candidate Forum, so for the first 7 candidates or so, each one tried to kiss more Filipino ass than the rest. It started out like, "My gardner's a filipino." to "When I had this thing removed from my face, the only people I could remember in the hospital were my doctor and the two Filipino nurses." [One of those was actually said]

It really reminded me of that old Python sketch. Enjoy:

Let's see...Summer did OK tonight. They had so many candidates that the forum wasn't conducive to saying anything substantial, other than Filipinos' shit doesn't stink...I got to flapjack with Summer's best friend. She's an easy flapjackee. Oh, if you don't remember the term, go here. A couple of county council candidates came up to me tonight to ask for some help. One of them was having trouble with the county's voter database, which is a f-ing joke, and another just got a campaign manager (!) and wanted to know if the mgr could meet with me. It was flattering and yeah, I'll help...but considering, I don't know what I can do.

Other campaign news: a little birdie told us that every election, rich business folk do "independent" polling to see where the incumbents are, because they're already in Da Man's pocket. While I didn't get any specifics, I was told that we're only "a few points" behind Kyle. I have no idea what the questions were for the poll and I don't know what target list they used, so even if it was super stacked against us, it was great news. The secret weapon - potholders - go out this weekend. And, that's about it for now.

OK, I'm going to go work on voter reg lists for Kai then off to bed. Ciao!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dunes Video you saw the Kids Gone Wild picture. Here's the video:

To All My Republican Friends...

I'm totally serious here...most of the folks who are on this blog are not republicans, but you know some. Share this with them...the whole thing. And then ask them if they're going to remain part of their "party". And if they say, yep...then ask them why. I can't see why their responses would be any more coherent than the idiots interviewed here.

Now, The Daily Show has skewered Democrats as well, but for their incompetence and spinelessness. I'm hoping that - assuming - once Obama is in office, they'll go after them as well.

And your republican friends? Well, they don't have to be dems...they can just be independents...or should I say "independents".

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh, Thank God...

There's pictures...

(click on the picture to see the amazing detail)

This is NOT going in my teaching portfolio.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Not a Resume' Day

Before I start, I thought I'd comment on the comments from last post. Where the campaign's concerned, Summer didn't really know what it takes to win a campaign. I think she still would have run, but...

She is doing better at the stuff she doesn't like to do and as she becomes more used to it, she won't give it a second thought. Now the other lazy bastards on this island, I can't speak for them.

But good, yet bizarre, news. It seems that the Republican, who isn't even opposed in the primary, has an attack ad out against Summer. I haven't heard it yet, but think about it. He's trying to make sure the incumbent wins. So whomever is advising him sees Summer as the front-runner. I also found out that the Democratic opponent, whom we go against on the 20th has basically co-opted Summer's platform on his lit. I'm going to see it on Thursday. Oh...and the Republican has basically copied Summer's website format - complete with header. Although it says absolutely nothing.

They're both going after Summer because it seems that she's the one to beat. So let's see if I can not screw this thing up.


OK... I don't know what the deal is, but we're already into the 6th week of school and I don't seem to be "firing on all cylinders." Now today was just bad luck, it wasn't anything I did, but it's just the way things are going.

Today, I took a group of kids to a local beach, where, along with other volunteers, we planted native plants to restore a coastal sand dune. Cool, right? Here's a few pictures:

The kids know that on days they're scheduled to go in the field, they're supposed to bring water bottles. Just about no one did. And it was freakin hot. So by the end, everyone's complaining that they want water. Well, across the street is Fred's, a Mexican restaurant, which apparently sells breakfast. So the other teacher and a kid went over to see if we could bum some water off of them. They came back with pitchers and plastic cups...plastic cups emblazened with the Budwiser and Bud Light logos. Not my proudest teaching moment. But after everyone was making jokes about it, one of the volunteers who also had a camera had all the kids hold up their cups as if it was a really creepy Girls Gone Wild shoot...ok...without the boobies, but you get my drift. It wasn't cool. So somewhere is a picture that looks like I'm throwing a kegger with 25 middle schoolers.
