Friday, December 12, 2008

Damn You, Novak!

OK, it's no Valerie Plame, but I got outted...again!

I posted a Status Update on my page that said something like, "Dave is being Facestalked by his students." Which is true.

One of my co-workers posted a comment, but then took it off...but the notice was already sent to my e-mail. It said:

"we do know the real you white-e - your coworker, rachelle"

How the???

So I'm trying to retrace this...there is no (connected to me anyway). Even the story Heather did during the school board campaign doesn't show up on Google anymore. Maybe if someone was listening to the podcast...but the person would have had to have listened to only a specific few of them. Oh well...can't put that toothpaste back in the tube...boyeeeee!

1 comment:

Heather said...

You know what's funny? I put your Whitee for School Board bib on the baby last night when I was feeding her. I told my husband we should take a picture and post it on Facebook for you. We didn't though because then we went on a tangent about who Whitee was. I guess I didn't talk about work at home much back then... Long story short, if I ever get around to talking that photo, I won't put it on facebook for all to see.