Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bombs Away!!!

Well, I told the kids at school today that I was leaving. It actually kinda fell into place. I wasn't supposed to be teaching at all today, today was going to be grading / catch-up day, but another teacher who was supposed to teach called in sick so I had to scramble for something to do. Part of my "lesson" was explaining to the kids that I was leaving. I actually ended up turning it into a half-hour, one-man-show. Three performances only.

So the kids got me to agree to start a blog to keep them up-to-date. So I'll probably be abandoning this one and starting a new one in a month...but I haven't decided the fate of Dave In Maui for sure yet. Either way, you'll still be able to get your Dave fix at the new one, it'll just be for a younger audience. That's right, no more dick jokes. Oh...I wasn't doing them before? I better get cracking then.

The one girl (who tried to set me up with her Grandmother) was actually pissed that I'm leaving. But by the end of the day I had her down to just annoyed. It's a start. I still have 3 weeks to get it to peeved.

I'm pretty sure as we get closer, it's going to get more uncomfortable, for me anyway, but it'll be pretty sappy and I'll try not to cry. Though I can just blame it on the vog.

As for my last 3 weeks of school...well, it looks like things aren't going to change much. I have the responsibility of planning next week's field outing - which I have - but it's already getting messed up. Semester report cards are due...I guess the last day of school, but no one's actually seen the report cards yet and they're supposed to be more like School Without Walls progress reports. I was actually pushing for that, but I guess I forgot to tell them that for teachers to give more anecdotal evidence of student learning you actually have to spend a significant amount of time with the students. And right now, none of the teachers do...or at least I don't. So I'll probably be doing progress reports on the plane, at the airport and in Rochester. I didn't tell the kids that this kinda stuff is the main reason I'm leaving.

I guess that's the deal for now. Hey! Where's MY transition team?

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