Monday, December 22, 2008


OK, I will admit that this could have happened in any town in the USA. But it didn't. It' happened here...on this god forsaken rock...coincidence? I'm saying no.

I was in line at the post office to drop off my change of address card. As one would figure, it's just before Christmas so it's pretty busy in there. I heard what I thought was the radio playing Silent Night. A nice version...laid back, a really good female voice with guitar. Turns out, we're getting a live the front of the line, someone and her son set up their stuff and she was performing Christmas Carols while the kid held onto the sheet music.

Uh, OK...a little different, but whatever. And her voice is really good. So she finishes the song and I'm getting closer and closer to her in line...

sle-eep in heaven-ly peeeeeeace.....

Then BLAMMO! She turns into Rusty Warren, making boob jokes and embarrassing her the post office!!! She's talking with people in line and I'm seeing that very soon it's going to be my turn.

Oh, please start playing another song, please, please, please, please. Nope. She's got her schtick and she ain't getting off it. Everyone in line is looking at each other nervously, not knowing what to do.

Well, I knew what to do. I got out of line and left...dropped my card in the "express mail" box outside.

This place is just plain old weird.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not much longer buddy. Happy Holidays to you!