Sunday, February 24, 2008

Quick Hits

*People are funny dudes...I just Googled myself. I'd think it's narcissistic, but I had a reason (which is connected to the part below). I found these old...uh...I guess you can call them essays about me...from someone from my past. Of course when you say "from my past" that implies that I had control over this person being in my life...well, I actually did, but the cost of excising him from my life would be getting rid of another friend (thanks, Ed). Anyway, it's interesting to see people's perspective on things.

According to one of these essays, this guy showed me how silly my Green Party ways were. That he regularly pointed out the inconsistencies in (my) viewpoint. Uh...OK...was I drunk and passed out when you did this? What a tranformative effect it had on me. It's amazing how wonderful and talented we are when we're on the internet. Did you know that I cured herpes?

*In a colossal letdown, Evan called a couple of hours before the taping of the podcast and said she couldn't make it. I would like to say that it really bugged me or at least that I was really disappointed, but I didn't have time. Because right after that, Jill e-mailed to say that she wasn't feeling well. Then something kept making this freaking noise while trying to record the damn show. I did it twice and I still couldn't get rid of it. Now that it's all over...

I'm really bummed Evan didn't come.

*Had a meeting yesterday with Summer Star. She should be calling me within a day or two. I'm pretty sure she's going to ask me to run her campaign...she has no staff. She's running for State a Democrat...with the undeclared support of many dems already in the house. Her Dad owns a huge chunk of her district and she's on good terms with a buttload of buisness owners, families, etc. During the Republican National Convention in 2004 in NYC, Summer was one of those caught up in the illegal sweeps by the police and was arrested. People here organized a "Save Summer" campaign and protested in front of the Town Hall. I could actually win this one. Well, I'm not working for her...yet, but the meeting went well. She may have asked me on the spot, but I insisted she check me out. I sent her to and told her to google me (that's why I googled myself, to see what she would see).

*So I googled myself. I found a couple of disturbing things (other than the stupid thing at the beginning). One, there's a dude named David Atias in the Middle East who is doing life for murder. I hope Summer doesn't think that's me. Then there's the porn...No, I didn't do porn (as much as Keziah has said she'd like to see that). The link itself is a dead end, but it doesn't look good. There's all this political stuff then the very last thing is some xls file from But the link is a dead end. I'm pretty sure I know what it is...if you go to and go to the sexuality link, there are links to porn sites...I signed up to be an affiliate of these sites years ago because I knew that it would drive people to the site. And it relatively worked. But now I'm on some database that shows up on google. Niiiiice.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Aw, Come On!!!

Warning: The following post will contain sentences of a graphic nature. If you do not wish to have images of sexual fantasies of the author in your head, you should skip this post. Also, the word "gay" may be used in a semi-negative fashion. Consult your doctor before reading this post.

In case you missed it, I was on at Mana'o last night. But I wasn't alone. Evan Roman was a guest. She brought her mother along, which was a good thing. I actually recorded her part on the show and I'll post it in a few days. Anyway, Evan Of course she's all the things I absolutely can't stand in a woman - young, beautiful, talented, friendly and of course, taken. Oh, and she doesn't live on Maui either. She's absolutely perfect for me.

The hour went well, especially considering it was my first time with a guest in the studio - the set up wasn't very conducive, but we made it work. Oh, did I mention that she doesn't smell too bad either? I'm really glad her mom was there, because it kept me from being the 13-year-old that I am. Boobies!

So, Evan's going to be on the podcast this Sunday. We can talk about things a bit more...uh...R rated. Boobies!

Today's supposed to be a day of running around, getting things done. Which I'm in the middle of. Time Warner showed up - I have my Road Runner back on. I went to the gym.

I went to the gym. Something I do all the time. What makes today so different? Glad you asked. Today I walked in and who is on a couple of treadmills? Yep. Evan and her mom. I immediately turn into Farmer Ted from Sixteen Candles.

Dave Scopin the Chicks

We exchange small talk - which thanks to me is completely ridiculous as I did nothing but mumble and look at her knees. I hear a girl really likes it when you look her straight in the knees and say something like this. (you'll need your speakers on to hear this)

Now, Evan's on the one treadmill in the gym where if I do my warm-up where I usually do, I'd basically have my head up her ass the entire time. Which is pretty ironic because that was what was in my mind the entire time we were together last night. (I warned you)

So I moved to the grunthead part of the gym to do my faggy warm-up. The whole time I'm basically telling myself, "stop looking over there" "knock it off" "get the girl out of your head, dumbass". And we all know what that did...kept me thinking about her and looking over there. During my workout today I didn't finish a single set of upper body exercises, almost fell over 20 times during my leg routine (literally...I'm not exaggerating) and kind of tripped over a weight rack. All of a sudden, I've gone from Farmer Ted to Jack Tripper.

I stuck to my routine. I swear to god, I did. I didn't deviate from it in terms of what and where I did my stuff. But every time I started something new, there she was. It was driving me crazy. I'm doing hip extensions, which is something right out of that really bad Olivia Newton John video for Let's Get Physical. I'm laying on my back and basically thrusting my pelvis in the air over and over again. I should have been wearing leg warmers and a pink headband for crying out loud...and she's using the machine right across from me.

Dave At The Gym

And when I'm doing the gayest part of my routine - yes, there's a gayer part than the hip extensions, it's called the prone cobra - I swear that's what it's called, she and mom pick the machine right next to me to do back extensions.

Then, I'm near the end of my routine. On the floor doing ab work. Minding my own business. Evan and Mom, just in my peripheral vision...Mom's showing her these ridiculous yoga moves.


Great. Now I know she's flexible, too. This is so not cool. If I was doing anything with free weights I would have killed myself.

I'm on my last exercise...on an ab machine and the two of them are leaving. I hear them yell, "Bye!" And in the first sign of "maturity" I try to say goodbye and sound like one of the other 80-year-old dudes who also inhabit the gym I use. I think you could use the word "gurgle" to describe what came out of my mouth.

Why they didn't turn around and jump me right on that ab machine is a mystery we'll never solve.

If you haven't gone over to Evan's MySpace page, here's one of her pictures. more time....


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Upcoming Weekend

Some cool stuff coming up this weekend...

*I'm on Mana'o from 7pm - midnight tonight (Friday). But what's cool is I'm going to have a guest on with me starting at 8pm. Evan Roman will be on. I think she's brining her mother, too. I hope it's not some weird kinda Brittany thing...or maybe that would spice up the show.

*Evan's going to be on the podcast, too. We tape on Sunday so it'll be up that night. She can do her songs with the bad words in them there. I have to admit...I'm jealous. Of all the Whitee songs I've done, I haven't been able to work the word "puenene" into a song. I'm sure we'll be discussing that on Sunday.

*Am I back???? Last Saturday, Peggy, Renee & I went to Whale Day. It's Kihei's big thing. It's no Puerto Rican Festival, but what is? Instead of concrete, salsa and overweight Puerto Rican women wearing clothes they have no business wearing, it's grass, Hawaiian music and hippie chicks wearing clothes they have no business wearing. Anyway, I was planning on going anyway to do some Green Party petitioning (which would have been great), but I got talked into going with "the girls" as a kind of support thing for Renee as it was the day after the big break out (see previous post).

Anyway, I met some activist friends and Angie insisted on introducing me to...Summer Star. No, she's not a stripper. She is running for State Representative...and yes, I'm meeting her on Saturday for lunch to see if I'm going to work on her campaign. She's young, smart and has little chance of winning...just up my alley. But, we'll see. Details later.

*Oh...and a quick story from Thursday. So, Renee is out of the apartment she was sharing with her now-ex. When we went over last Friday and got her stuff, Kevin went nuts. He's been pretty much stalking her since. The problem is, when she was deciding what stuff in the apartment was just hers, one of our crew got a little goofy and talked Renee into taking a frozen turkey (it wasn't me, I swear). Renee didn't even want it, but we all got caught up in the excitement of taking the turkey. And of course, what is the one thing that dude goes apeshit over? The turkey. So as they're working out the final financial details of this split, he's insisting she give back the turkey. So we're coming up with different ways to fuck with him. Give him half, give him a different turkey that's too big to fit in the freezer, insist on visitation rights. I started looking for a Turkey farm on the island to buy a live one (Maui doesn't have one). Anyway, for good reason, Renee doesn't want to see this guy again because he's acting like a nutjob. So guess who gets to bring psycho-boy back his fucking turkey? Yep. And it wasn't even to the apartment, I had to bring this stupid thing to the restaurant where he works. It was like some kind of prisoner exchange. How the hell do I get into this stuff? (rhetorical)

Mission Impossible

Last Monday was a busy day. I had to tape the podcast (which is pretty good I might add. Listen to it here.), I had a meeting about stopping the development of Wailea 670, then dinner with Peggy, Renee & Gary. The meeting was supposed to be a strategy meeting - the County Council passed the first reading of the development approval. If it passes the second reading it's on, baby. So we have a few weeks to strategize how to get those sell-out MF'ers to change their minds.

While I'm taping the podcast, I got a call from one of the other activists - Lucienne. She tells me that we may be going out to see some of the property as well. I may want to wear pants. Uh...OK.

Finish the podcast, go to the Dude's house where we're supposed to be meeting. Not a lot of strategery going on. Seems that the whole meeting is going to be a Lava Hike. I'm not quite prepared for this. No backpack, big clunky water bottle, running shoes and camera batteries almost dead. I was a tad annoyed.

Turned out to be a pretty cool afternoon. Lucienne may as well be a freakin archaeologist. And I knew Collin was the botany dude, but he knew his stuff. These Hawaiian words are kicking my ass. The only one that stuck in my head was Puka (hole or cupboard). Other than that, they were just flying over my head. But I did take some pictures. I'll post a few here, but go to the underutilized Fokti page to see all 40-something.

Going up the lava trail.

The Nehe can only be found on Maui - and most of them in that one spot...for the whole world. I can't wait for golfers to "play through" them.

Hey! An Ancient Hawaiian artifact. I can't believe the developers' archeologists missed this.

Guess the developers missed this Ancient Hawaiian Fire Pit. Nothing to see here.

Another "how the hell did I end up here" moment.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Operation: Baltimore Colts

An interesting day. We had our usual Friday - half-day of school. Nothing major. Except, one of my co-workers, Renee, has been going through the slowest break-up in the history of relationships. She broke up with her boyfriend months ago, but because of their lease and how money sucks in Maui, they've been still living together...even sleeping in the same bed. It's like a break-up in instant replay slow motion. So as the time for the lease to expire has gotten closer, the dude's been tweaking more and more. Well, it got to be too much and today there was an intervention. Basically, Peggy, Dan & me told her that after school, we would come over, pack her shit and move her into Peggy's guest room until she can find a place to live.

Peggy really got into it and we decided that it should be a covert operation. That's when I brought up the Baltimore Colts leaving town in the middle of the night. Thus Operation: Baltimore Colts was born. Of course we all had to wear black...and the only black shirt I have "I (heart) female orgasms" shirt. It was a bit hit, as usual. There will be a picture to show you soon. I'm told it's being e-mailed to the director of the school.

Dude waits tables in the evening, so we went over there with a bunch of boxes (luckily, I still don't have much in terms of furniture and was able to "sacrifice" some of my boxes and packing peanuts) and split up Renee's stuff. I have a bunch in what you can call my living room, Peggy has some at her house, and Dan has a little as well. Then we all went out for dinner and laughed our asses off.

I'm sure you've had a bunch of annual meetings / retreats where you work, but for team building there's nothing better than an intervention, a covert operation and beer. I may have a role to play in the corporate world after all.

Some friends of Peggy's just sent her a big ass shipment of green chilles from New Mexico (!) and we're all invited over on Monday for Green Chille Stew. Dan's girlfriend - who is also one of my bosses - was a bit taken aback by my shirt tonight. I told her that if she comes on Monday (ooh, no pun intended) that I'll wear another special shirt just for her.

Hello, Johnny Vagina!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy F-ing Valentines Day

OK, this post isn't really about Valentine's Day. There'll be some references to it, but really I just need to vent a little. There will be some f-bombs thrown about so keep the kids away.

Well, it's been a long week. Actually a long few weeks. The kids have been absolutely horrible. It's as if someone took their Ritalin away. They've been rude & obnoxious above and beyond. And there's some tension among the staff. Some of it is about the kids and how they're responding to the way the school operates. Some of it is about the changes that are afoot as we're going to grow. Out of frustration, I actually meandered over to the online job board where I found this gig. I'm not going anywhere - I said I'd give it 2 years and I intend to. But I just needed to see what was there.

And it's Valentine's Day, so the kids showed up amped on hormones & candy (the name of my new country & western album) which made for a lovely day. So in the afternoon, I get a phone call from Kathy from Mana'o. She didn't realize that this evening's drive time wasn't covered and she asked if I was free. It's Valentine's Day. Of course I'm free.

After school, I scurried home (I needed to download Muscrat Love...I'm serious) and got my stuff together. I was actually psyched about doing this because I had this "thing" I wanted to try and Valentine's Day was perfect for it. (more on that later)

I get stuck in traffic so I'm barely on time. Luckily, at 5pm there's news that we broadcast gives me an extra 5 minutes to get my act together. Except this time, when in the middle of the newscast, the browser crashes. Hello, dead air. I throw in a CD and get everything else ready. The phone rings. It's this dude I know from the station. He was there during my infamous, Dave-played-the-John-Lennon-song-with-two-"fuck"s incident. The guy is a MySpace friend of the podcast. He makes a request. We actually have it. I play it. Life is good...for now.

For some reason, I was always hurried for time tonight. I was always behind in my breaks, running out of music, I don't know what the hell was going on. Then there were the phone calls. Oh fuck me...

*I actually did play Captain & Tenille's Muscrat Love. You would think it wouldn't be a big deal. As soon as the song was over, some other DJ from the station calls me to give me a history of that fucking song. Did you realize that Muscrat Love was actually a cover song? But it was originally called...uh...Muscrat Stew or something like that. I have no idea what the fuck this chick was talking about, but she wanted me to go find the song and check it out. Yeah, I'll get right on it.

*Dude calls up to tell me that the power is out in Kula. Not all of Kula. Lower Kula. From the Kula Ace hardware store to the dead mongoose on Kula Road...wah, wah. Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. I'm not really sure what he was expecting me to do. I'm bad with tools. And if I announced it over the air, the people it would effect...well...they have no power. So I mentioned it on air anyway.

*Then another dude calls after a PSA I read. This fucker lectures me about how I'm still butchering the Hawaiian language. And that - dig this - he remembers my first time on the air and how I said that I would need time to get it down and he was wondering how much more time I'm going to need, because it makes him feel uncomfortable to have someone on the air who hasn't learned the language. How many fucking stalkers do I have?

OK...I was relatively polite. I know that if it was one of the veterans they would have told him to fuck off, but I'm still trying to get my own shift. I was curt and a bit patronizing, but did not say what I really wanted to. Like, "I'm sorry I haven't learned to say those Hawaiian words yet. I've been a bit busy TRYING TO TEACH YOUR RUDE, FUCKING OBNOXIOUS KIDS TO READ FUCKING ENGLISH!!! Dick."

So that was really bothering me. Then I get another call from the Kula guy - and seconds after the language nazi called. He's suggesting that because the electric company isn't answering their phone that I should call the Maui police to see what's going on to "comfort your listeners". Hey, you wanker, who the fuck's going to comfort me? Huh? Don't make me play an hour of the fucking Sex Pistols. Enjoy your darkness. Embrace it. It's Valentine's Day. Light a fucking candle.

Oh, it's not over yet. Then I get a call back from DJ dude. He's telling me how he's spending the evening with a "special lady" and would like to request a song for her. Who the fuck am I, Venus Fucking Flytrap? So, you calling me with this shit so your special lady can hear you doing it is going to get you laid? I'm like radio Viagra without the blue eyesight side effects. If you listen to Dave for more than 4 hours, consult your doctor. And he requests a bad Paul McCartney song from a bad Paul McCartney CD, that's in his own bad CD collection at the station, THAT I CAN'T EVEN FIND! And he finishes off by thanking me and calling me Eric...the guy I'm subbing for. He didn't even realize who he was talking to.

By now, there's not much left of my show. The next DJ shows up. I've met him before. He's like the Johnny Fever of Mana'o. He doesn't remember that we've met several times already, so he introduces himself to me again. He brings with him, his niece (who's actually kinda cute) and...uh...daughter (?) who's like 2 or 3 years old. He has both of them sit in the room next to the booth while he's making some kind of cell phone calls. I try to do my last break and while the "Hey, Dude's on the air and the microphone's open" light is on, he swings open the door, while the 3 year old is making all this noise and he starts moving shit around the booth and introducing himself to me - again...while I have headphones on and my mouth is inches from the mic. I had to turn the mic off and go to the next song. Then, in 5 minutes, he proceeds to tell me the same story 3 times about how this dude's coming on his show tonight and he was on last year and they got all these calls from pissed off Republicans and Barry got upset and yada, yada, yada. Three times.

My show was over. I left as quickly as I could. I now have yummy dirt and I've just vented. I feel better. Thank you for the indulgence.

Oh...and the thing I wanted to try...a few weeks ago I found this article on Esquire magazine's website. I thought it would be cool to spend an hour letting Mary-Louise Parker decide what to play on the show. Musically, it went great. But I didn't get to enjoy it as it was when I was getting calls from Dr. Berlitz, Thomas Edison & Paul McCartney as well as talking to Johnny Fever. But it was a good idea. I'm on again a week from Friday and I'll be ready for all of those wankers.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Show - Automated Booty Call

There's a new Stuart Bedasso Show's a pretty good one.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Quick Hits

*I got the school calendar for next year. It looks like the best time to come home would be July 2 - 16. I have most of June off, too so that may be an option, but I'd like to be around when school is out in Rochester...stay tuned.

*Jeez...I'm just a man for crying out loud. One of the teachers I work with...Peggy...her daughter's in town for a few days. I met her yesterday at the kids' science fair...first of all, she seems very nice...(obviously, this is where I digress)...but she's there with those pregnant, mommy boobs and wearing a dress that's just saying, "Here they are, boys!" It was enough to make Phil Donahue shout, "Hey Chicky, nice rack!" The really weird thing is that I could tell Peggy this and she'd think it was funny. But the bad thing (for me) is that she would think it's so funny that she'd have to tell her daughter. Wouldn't THAT be a great reunion down the road. "Uh...sorry I was staring at your rack. must be her husband. Sorry I was staring at your wife's rack...uh...dude." The really pathetic thing is, I was so busy "not" staring that I actually forgot her name. I think she had eyes...See you in July, John.

*A couple of weeks ago, someone at work mentioned that given the cost of living, teachers in Hawaii were the most underpaid in the country. I'm starting to figure that out. Then on Friday, while at the County Council hearings (see previous post) they were bantering about what constitutes "affordable" housing. They included the median income for Maui. I'm seeing how we're underpaid.

*From the good news, bad news department: I had to take my car in today for it's first 3 month servicing - part of the expensive maintenance plan I have - it's going to take a couple of hours so I went across the street to the Maui Swap Meet and hung out for a while then walked over to Time Warner...I'm back to glomming onto others' wireless until they can get over here to hook up my road runner. So the good news is, I made an appointment to get it hooked up...the bad news is it's February 23rd...from 7:30 - 9:30am. Niiiice. No doubt I'll be on Mana'o that night.

*Speaking of Mana'o Radio, I've been wondering what the deal has been with Friday nights. I get all these calls to fill in 8-midnight on Fridays for Bubba the Road Dog, and this dude's been out since I've been at the station. Months. I'm thinking, this sucks! Who the hell is this dude? I don't care how long he's been around, if this gig ain't that important to him then step aside and let a brother in...I'm sure Miguel in Kula would be all tingly over me sliding in. Well, last night I found out that Bubba's in Kansas taking care of like, 20 sick's a real heartbreak story and yada, yada, yada. OK...dude gets a pass. I'm still lobbying for a spot...someone needs to have an "accident" though, because it looks like none of these people are going anywhere.

*Only a couple of people are going to get this, but it's too funny for those who do...last night at Mana'o, I was in the last hour of my shift and this guy calls and requests...get this...Group X - I Just Want Bang, Bang, Bang. AND I HAD IT! While talking to the guy, he heard some original version with just vocals online, then heard the version with music on Mana'o (I played it) and when I played Ethan Lipton's "Hit It", it reminded him of the Group X song. I'm a radio god!

Friday, February 8, 2008

A Full Day

Wow. This was a pretty full day. It started with school, of course. This morning, me and 13 kids jumped in a van and headed out to Wailuku. Why? Well, to go watch County Council hearings on the Wailea 670 project, Silly. Duuuh.

It's a bunch of rich people (and corporations) who are trying to screw up even more of Maui with more golf courses and over-priced housing. Our kids are starting to figure out just how stuff works around here and a few of them have been pretty amped up to get involved. So, two of them (and me) planned on speaking. We got there on time, but couldn't find a place to park. 25 minutes later I decided to illegally park in the lot of an abandoned office building. Luckily, the van didn't get towed.

On the way into the building, we get to the elevators...all 14 of us, and the kids turn to me..."I don't think we're all going to fit in the elevator, Mr. Atias." That's fine, we'll just take two.

"Hey, we can go up the stairs!"

"'s on the 8th floor."

"So." Bam...they all take off.

I have these 3 old guys looking at me. "Are you going to go with them?"

"Guess I gotta."

Those little bastards. I'm glad they were sucking wind when we got there. Social Studies AND P.E. I'm a teaching god!

By the time we got to the hearing room to sign up to speak we ended up being numbers 33 & 34. Not good. The hearing started at 9am and the kids were getting picked up back at school at 11am. And of course being the Chinese New Year they opened up the hearing with a performance by some folks in those big-ass dragon costumes with a big-ass drum. Nice, but it did drag on a bit...(ha! I get it...dragon...drag on)

So when they took a break at 10:30 they were on speaker 13. Some minor chaos ensued and eventually we got the Council Chair to agree to let ONE of our kids speak right after the break. And they really were killing me about how they NEVER change the order because if they did it for one, they'd have to for everyone, blah, blah, blah. So one of the councilmembers went to the chair and they conferenced so we got our ONE speaker. As the Chair is explaining this to everyone he says that it's great to have the kids here - even if we should be in school. {sigh} We ARE in school...that's what we do! But we'll show him (see below). So our one speaker goes and she's nervous and ended up talking about the wrong development project...doh! But she's a cute little kid so all the newspapers interview her and we're all congratulated.

So all that ends and we go back to school. I'm asking the kids what they thought about the whole thing. A lot of them thought it was pretty cool, which actually surprised me. When I mentioned that comment by the chair, one of my kids says, "Mr. A. Why don't we send him a thank you card for letting Amber speak and we can include a brochure about our program."

"Brooke! You DA MAN!"

"I'm Da Man."

So we get back, only 15 minutes late. (the kids have a half day every Friday, because it's the only way we get to plan) I grab lunch and go over to the High was my first sign language class with a bunch of 10-year-olds from the Virtual School. They were so freakin cute. I had a blast. Next week I get the 5-year-olds.

So then I swung by the Kihei Community Center to check on another group of our kids who were at the district Science Fair. Included in that group was two of our biggest pains in the ass and one of our misfits. They all did great. Got along, were supportive of each was cool. We had 9 kids enter and 5 of them got some kind of recognition. One of our 6th graders is going to the state competition in Honolulu. Seeing as how this was our first year in the fair and our 6th & 7th graders were going against other middle schoolers AND high school kids, we did pretty darn well.

I got to stop home for a half-hour to throw some CD's in a box and here I am at Mana'o...playing The Dollyrots. Not too shabby.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Guess the Speaker

Today at school, a teacher said the following to a student:

"If you had footage of whale sex, you'd be a rich man."

Dig this - it wasn't me!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl

I'm sure this is no surprise, but I really didn't give a hoot about the Super Bowl. I haven't seen one in years as usually I was tutoring at NTID on S-Sunday. So early on, Jill & I did the podcast (which was pretty good. Download it at and we decided to go out somewhere to watch the game. She doesn't know much about football and I don't care that much so I was going to have beer.

Jill decided that we have to root for someone so I picked the Patriots because I'm annoyed by the 72 Dolphins who celebrate every time the last undefeated team loses every year. Wankers. And I was a Dolphin fan as a kid.

The game itself was boring, but the outcome wasn't. I'm cool with the Giants winning it, but only for Archie Manning. His sons should win every Super Bowl for him after all the sorry-assed teams he played for.

Alright! Super Bowl's done...I'm ready for pitchers & catchers. (and that's not a sexual thing)

Week in Review

What a week. I haven't had the chance to post...I spent the week moving into the new place, we had our Science Fair at school on Tuesday, then I went on a walking tour of Lahaina with the kids on Wednesday & Thursday. Here's a few thoughts on the week's events:

*Science Fair was a trip. We definitely didn't have one of those at Franklin back in the day. A couple of funny things...that morning, I got a call from one of my fellow teachers. I was awake, but in the middle of my snoozebar fandango. She called because she realized that no one told me that we weren't wearing our school t-shirts, that we were wearing our big boy clothes that day. Well, I haven't worn my big boy clothes in a while and didn't realize that none of them fit me anymore. So I found the one pair of pants that I could use a belt so that they wouldn't fall to my ankles (a bad thing in education). The science fair actually went OK. The kids fooled the judges into thinking that they knew what they were talking about. Later that night we had the parents come into school to see the projects and have the awards boss pulled a couple of us aside. He was laughing as he told us that he was just out in the hall and heard a couple of the Moms comparing how hard each of them worked on their kids' projects. It made me laugh for two, neither of the kids' moms' projects won awards and two, I remember my Mom's long house when I was in 7th grade.

*The trip to Lahaina was pretty cool. It was a 2 hour walking tour. The first day started OK, then it started to rain, but we were pretty stuck as we would have had to walk back to the vans in the rain anyway, so we decided to just finish the tour. It went fine. The second day, the weather was beautiful, but the kids were horrendous. Six of them ended up with extra writing assignments on their behavior. Here's a few pictures:

Our guide, Wai. He was cool.

Checking out the birthing rock.

Renee & the kids in the Baldwin House. The kids were fascinated by the chamber pot.

So, a few changes at school. We had to scrap the one-to-one advisory sessions. We just weren't finding the time to get to them. Everyone liked the idea, it just wasn't working. Maybe we'll try it again down the road. We changed the kids' groups. I'm glad because we had ended up doing de facto tracking - putting the kids into groups based on so-called ability. Sign language and the Recognition Committee idea are doing well.

Monday & Tuesday, I'm teaching a lesson on the missionaries who came to Hawaii in the 19th century. I'm going to have to make a concentrated effort not to call them a bunch of religious fascists and piss off the fundamentalist parents we have. One of the people I work with (whose son is also a student) let me borrow her copy of the movie Hawaii - to see if I wanted to use it with the kids. This is a movie from the 60's with Julie Andrews and Max Van Sydow. At least 2/5ths of the movie has really hot Hawaiian chicks running around half-naked. The sad thing is, it still didn't make the movie interesting. Well, I'm not going to show the entire 2 hr 40 min movie, but I did find a couple of scenes (sans boobies) to use.

*The other day was the first anniversary of our podcast, The Stuart Bedasso Show. My goal was to have 10,000 downloads the first year. To be honest, I didn't think we'd have a shot at it. But we did manage 9,700 - and we're already over 9,800. I'm going for 20,000 for this year. Listen to the podcast, dammit! (I'm going to scare people into listening)

*The new apartment is cool so far. Now I guess I can actually buy some furniture. I was sleeping on that bed roll all week. Tonight will be my first night back in a regular bed.

In fact, I think I hear it calling me, now. G'night, y'all.