Friday, February 15, 2008

Operation: Baltimore Colts

An interesting day. We had our usual Friday - half-day of school. Nothing major. Except, one of my co-workers, Renee, has been going through the slowest break-up in the history of relationships. She broke up with her boyfriend months ago, but because of their lease and how money sucks in Maui, they've been still living together...even sleeping in the same bed. It's like a break-up in instant replay slow motion. So as the time for the lease to expire has gotten closer, the dude's been tweaking more and more. Well, it got to be too much and today there was an intervention. Basically, Peggy, Dan & me told her that after school, we would come over, pack her shit and move her into Peggy's guest room until she can find a place to live.

Peggy really got into it and we decided that it should be a covert operation. That's when I brought up the Baltimore Colts leaving town in the middle of the night. Thus Operation: Baltimore Colts was born. Of course we all had to wear black...and the only black shirt I have "I (heart) female orgasms" shirt. It was a bit hit, as usual. There will be a picture to show you soon. I'm told it's being e-mailed to the director of the school.

Dude waits tables in the evening, so we went over there with a bunch of boxes (luckily, I still don't have much in terms of furniture and was able to "sacrifice" some of my boxes and packing peanuts) and split up Renee's stuff. I have a bunch in what you can call my living room, Peggy has some at her house, and Dan has a little as well. Then we all went out for dinner and laughed our asses off.

I'm sure you've had a bunch of annual meetings / retreats where you work, but for team building there's nothing better than an intervention, a covert operation and beer. I may have a role to play in the corporate world after all.

Some friends of Peggy's just sent her a big ass shipment of green chilles from New Mexico (!) and we're all invited over on Monday for Green Chille Stew. Dan's girlfriend - who is also one of my bosses - was a bit taken aback by my shirt tonight. I told her that if she comes on Monday (ooh, no pun intended) that I'll wear another special shirt just for her.

Hello, Johnny Vagina!

1 comment:

Ariel White said...

Dave! Dave! I'm a total Luddite and I don't do podcasts, but I finally made an exception and listened to TSBS! And... I liked it! It made me laugh! Maybe one of these days I'll be up at 6am and catch you on mana'o.