Thursday, February 21, 2008

Upcoming Weekend

Some cool stuff coming up this weekend...

*I'm on Mana'o from 7pm - midnight tonight (Friday). But what's cool is I'm going to have a guest on with me starting at 8pm. Evan Roman will be on. I think she's brining her mother, too. I hope it's not some weird kinda Brittany thing...or maybe that would spice up the show.

*Evan's going to be on the podcast, too. We tape on Sunday so it'll be up that night. She can do her songs with the bad words in them there. I have to admit...I'm jealous. Of all the Whitee songs I've done, I haven't been able to work the word "puenene" into a song. I'm sure we'll be discussing that on Sunday.

*Am I back???? Last Saturday, Peggy, Renee & I went to Whale Day. It's Kihei's big thing. It's no Puerto Rican Festival, but what is? Instead of concrete, salsa and overweight Puerto Rican women wearing clothes they have no business wearing, it's grass, Hawaiian music and hippie chicks wearing clothes they have no business wearing. Anyway, I was planning on going anyway to do some Green Party petitioning (which would have been great), but I got talked into going with "the girls" as a kind of support thing for Renee as it was the day after the big break out (see previous post).

Anyway, I met some activist friends and Angie insisted on introducing me to...Summer Star. No, she's not a stripper. She is running for State Representative...and yes, I'm meeting her on Saturday for lunch to see if I'm going to work on her campaign. She's young, smart and has little chance of winning...just up my alley. But, we'll see. Details later.

*Oh...and a quick story from Thursday. So, Renee is out of the apartment she was sharing with her now-ex. When we went over last Friday and got her stuff, Kevin went nuts. He's been pretty much stalking her since. The problem is, when she was deciding what stuff in the apartment was just hers, one of our crew got a little goofy and talked Renee into taking a frozen turkey (it wasn't me, I swear). Renee didn't even want it, but we all got caught up in the excitement of taking the turkey. And of course, what is the one thing that dude goes apeshit over? The turkey. So as they're working out the final financial details of this split, he's insisting she give back the turkey. So we're coming up with different ways to fuck with him. Give him half, give him a different turkey that's too big to fit in the freezer, insist on visitation rights. I started looking for a Turkey farm on the island to buy a live one (Maui doesn't have one). Anyway, for good reason, Renee doesn't want to see this guy again because he's acting like a nutjob. So guess who gets to bring psycho-boy back his fucking turkey? Yep. And it wasn't even to the apartment, I had to bring this stupid thing to the restaurant where he works. It was like some kind of prisoner exchange. How the hell do I get into this stuff? (rhetorical)

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