Friday, November 14, 2008

Loose Lips...Suck

Ironically, it was our school counselor who spilled the beans about me leaving school to the kids. She was standing next to me talking about who-knows-what...there was a student standing right in front of us, one of my favorite kids who I unofficially took on as a project...which is another story. And the counselor just, matter-of-factly mentioned me leaving. I didn't react on purpose, but 15 minutes later, as I was confronting one of our problem kids on his behavior, the kid tried to distract me by asking if I was leaving. Of course I just blew it off and stuck with the kid's behavior.

Today, Peggy mentioned that the kids are starting to talk about it. I'm pretty sure I'll be dealing with it on Monday. Oh well.


Told the landlord that I'm leaving today.


Talked to Mom about George (my step-father). As she was telling me about the stuff he's dealing with in the hospital I was literally doubled over in "empathy pain". Unfortunately I picked the wrong time to call as I was waiting with kids for their parents. They thought I was having a reaction to lunch.


Holy Crap!!! We went over the schedule for the next 2 weeks. I'm actually going to have to teach! A lot! Like, lesson plans and using my college edumication. Maybe we could just watch YouTube videos for 3 days.

Actually, my teaching has been so sporadic that I'm not really in the middle of anything thematic-wise. I can actually do a mini-unit on something...hmmmm...hello commrades....

My Last Hurrah: Actually, the Land Use Committee of the Maui County Council is holding a hearing on the Makena Development that our local rich guy is trying to get fast tracked's on Wednesday morning and I'm trucking in a van of kids to put a MFing boot on that. Looks like Daddy's gotta get his big boy pants out for that day.


I had to go buy pants. Seriously. I realized that I own a pair of sweatpants, a pair of jeans that have been ripped apart by kiawe trees and one pair of big boy pants that are too big now and have always been kinda high-watery. So I went to Savers...which is Maui's version of GoodWill, but for clothes, a million times better. So now I have some pants.

Damn, I need shoes.

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