Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So last night I talked to my Dad, who sent me a CD of pictures from the vacation where the whole family - except me - flew into Rochester. I hadn't had a chance to see the CD yet and when I told him, I was appropriately admonished. When I watched it, it just made me want to get out of here all the more. So what's a grown man to do?

Call his Mommy, of course. Well, THAT sure didn't help - though what is she going to say, "No, I don't think you should come home"? So again - I'll just keep my head down and get through what I gotta get through here.

I've got a little something percolating in my head...we'll see where it goes.

What? You want to hear more about the campaign? Gosh, I thought you'd all be sick of it by now, but OK...if you want more:

Tonight was the Filipino Candidate Forum. Quick thoughts...the Dem incumbent didn't show and the moderator told the group that he "chose not to come". Ooooh, that's gotta hurt...the Republican challenger was there (who Summer will have to run against when she wins the primary). It was my first time seeing him speak. He's an idiot. Seriously, he's even an idiot for a Republican (no offense). If he were to win, which he won't, I would be afraid for him. He'd get eaten alive in was the Filipino Candidate Forum, so for the first 7 candidates or so, each one tried to kiss more Filipino ass than the rest. It started out like, "My gardner's a filipino." to "When I had this thing removed from my face, the only people I could remember in the hospital were my doctor and the two Filipino nurses." [One of those was actually said]

It really reminded me of that old Python sketch. Enjoy:

Let's see...Summer did OK tonight. They had so many candidates that the forum wasn't conducive to saying anything substantial, other than Filipinos' shit doesn't stink...I got to flapjack with Summer's best friend. She's an easy flapjackee. Oh, if you don't remember the term, go here. A couple of county council candidates came up to me tonight to ask for some help. One of them was having trouble with the county's voter database, which is a f-ing joke, and another just got a campaign manager (!) and wanted to know if the mgr could meet with me. It was flattering and yeah, I'll help...but considering, I don't know what I can do.

Other campaign news: a little birdie told us that every election, rich business folk do "independent" polling to see where the incumbents are, because they're already in Da Man's pocket. While I didn't get any specifics, I was told that we're only "a few points" behind Kyle. I have no idea what the questions were for the poll and I don't know what target list they used, so even if it was super stacked against us, it was great news. The secret weapon - potholders - go out this weekend. And, that's about it for now.

OK, I'm going to go work on voter reg lists for Kai then off to bed. Ciao!

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