Monday, October 13, 2008

Back to School

Today was the first day back after the break. Which was good...I needed to get back in a routine. I feel very unproductive otherwise. I didn't do any of the "relaxing" stuff I said I was going to, but I did get some stuff done that absolutely needed to.

I'm pretty much in a coasting kind of mode where school's concerned. The way things are going and with my future pretty much set, I'm not going to try to plan some huge project, I'll just hitch onto the science ones and put my stamp on those. For example, the next one the kids have to do is to - in pairs - find some environmental cause on the island that needs changing and come up with a solution. I'm not explaining it very well, but it has potential.

So to do this, the kids will have to find out if any organization or group is working on the same thing. So we're going over the branches and levels of government. Then we'll be looking at all the environmental groups on the island. And I'll also be teaching a lot of kids about working with video. Not the traditional social studies stuff, but it'll keep my interest up.

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