Monday, July 23, 2007

You Want Pictures, We Got Pictures

You may think people are slow where you live...cable, DMV, post office, etc. I called over a week ago to get Road Runner set up here and the first available appointment is August 2nd. That should have been a clue. So Friday, I called the electric company to get the electricity in my name. The earliest they could do is Monday (today). Great. Do they know what time? Between 7:30 and 5. Huh? Can you give me an AM or PM? Nope. Great. So I'm hanging out, waiting for them and you benefit. Why? Because I finally got to the pictures. Now, a few caveats:

*I'm not good with this camera. So a few pictures didn't make it.

*I also tend to forget the camera a lot. So pictures of Quinn, Tommy, Portland in general get missed as well.

*But I do think I got lucky on a few shots - especially in Niagara Falls.

So, click on each picture to see the whole set or go to the Fotki link on the side for all the albums.

Niagara Falls


Dave's Cottage

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