Sunday, July 22, 2007

Those Damn Jews are Everywhere

I decided to put this story in as a separate post. See below for the general stuff...

So I went into Jill's store yesterday. It's jewelry, purses, over-priced know, stuff I know nothing about and would never buy. So I introduce myself, we start talking and a customer comes in. So while she's dealing with someone who may be spending money (and did), I'm looking around the store.

Hmmmmm...yada, yada...rings, necklaces, different colors, all looks the same to me - Marcey can attest to that. Huh? What's that? Is that a hand-painted dradel???? My tunnel vision gets wider and I see all of this Jew stuff...menoras (sic?), those weird long stick things you hang on a wall with some hebrew on it. Jew stuff! But frilly, artsy Jew stuff. It's like I fell into Sid Blechnein's Jew Bargain Basement only there weren't any bargains happening.

Seems that Jill bought the store, and the inventory, from the previous owner in March. The woman is an Israeli who went back to the homeland. Jill's...well, not uncomfortable with the stuff, she just doesn't know what to do with it.

Sorry guys, I ain't buying all of you $90 menoras. You ain't good enough Jews.

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