Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Please Send Underwear!

[Caution: There may be some graphic language in this]

I was right, they lost my bags. Actually, I'm not even sure who lost them, because neither airline will take responsibility. Meanwhile I'm about to go on Day 3 with the same underwear. So the lying whore at American told me to NOT take my bags with me when I went to stay at the hotel in Chicago - that they would take care of the bags and give them to United. Then when United called them to ask about the bags, either the same lying whore or a different one said that I voluntarily have up my bags therefore they have no freakin idea where they are.

OK...long story short. Someone finally got off their asses and got my 600lb bags into Portland and some poor bastard is bringing them to my Sister's house - at midnight. I'm exhausted, but I'm waiting up for those damn bags. I'm really starting to feel funky in these shorts.

UPDATE: Well, we may have an explanation...as I opened the first bag there was a note from da gubment....seems double-checking me at O' Hare wasn't enough, they went through my bags as well.

I did either post on this on another blog or talk about it on the podcast, but I was told by someone who's pretty in the know that all registered Greens are on the Terrorist Watch List. They also put everyone who works for a Catholic Church on the list as well. (because priests & nuns are the main ones who protest at nuclear weapons sites) So people who are committed to non-violence are on the terrorist watch list...it really is 1984. What a bunch of evil suckholes.

1 comment:

Lazulipi said...


good thing I didn't check my bags!