Thursday, August 30, 2007

Stop Trying to Make Me Feel Better

There's a lot I could bitch about right now, but everything here that's messed up is giving me a headache (more car issues, my alleged healthcare, my alleged health, my alleged job and still having no money...for starters) but I figure, why give all you that headache as well. But of course my co-workers have tried to help. After telling them about the fantabulous little nuggets I got in the mail yesterday (don't ask) this is what they said:

P: Why is it EVERYONE I know who comes to Maui, including me has 5 months of hell? Everyone! (Note: I've only been here 5 weeks)

D: I know. I hated Maui the first year-and-a-half I was here.

Dave: You guys aren't helping. Stop trying to make me feel better.

I should go back to Hana for the weekend (see The Road to Hana) but I'm still scratching the mosquito bites from that day I went there.


OK, let's go onto a different topic. There's something I've noticed about Maui. I have no hard data on this, only anecdotal evidence, but I'm fairly certain that per capita Maui has the most guys with ZZ Top beards. Oh sure, Georgia or Arkansas may have more in number, but there's not that many residents on Maui. It's freakin 85 degrees every day. Who the hell would want a big ass chin slinky? And I'm not talking about homeless dudes (there's a lot of them, too). These are semi-regular dudes with big as beards. I'm at a loss. I mean, if you made me pick what kind of physical feature most guys would have around here I would have picked peg legs or melanoma before big-ass beards.

It's just another Mauian (sic?) mystery.

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