Friday, August 10, 2007

School Pictures

I'm going to try not to Kvetch much in this post. And I have some new pictures (yea!). Hopefully, they'll show up in Blogger. Either way, you can see them by going to the link on the right.

First of all, I got MOST of the rest of my stuff. I have to admit, I'm still feeling ambivalent about the joy I'm having getting my "stuff". Our things are not supposed to define us, but if you keep a grown man from his zester and you'll get your eyes scratched out, biatch. So everything else came except the two things I've been waiting for the most. A couple of framed prints I wanted to put up (because I like them and they'll help cut down the echo in the room) and my guitar. I've been itching to get back into playing. Well, I have my cheese grater and my Whitee mugs so I'm fine for now.

OK, pictures. I took a few around school today. We've only been in the actual space for a couple of days. There's still a lot to do decor-wise, but it's working so far.

Assuming this actually shows up. This is our main computer lab. A big part of the program as we'll be doing a lot of stuff digitally.

This is our main classroom. We still need to make it more homey and we don't have all of our accessories yet.

I know, you've been waiting for this...our feral chickens. They're actually all over the island. They're our squirrels. There's actually more than this around the building...a lot more. Including a Mom and a dozen of her chicks.

There's a few more here.

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