Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I'm Not a Doctor...

...and I guess I couldn't even play one on TV.

So, the weekend's over and school's back in session. Everything's back to the same old chaos.

When I knew I was coming here I decided to try a little experiment - I won't be working nights any more, I'll have weekends off, only one job, doing what I want to do. I won't need a shovel full of caffine everyday. I'm eating pretty well...not perfect, but way better than I used to. So, let's see if I can get away with not being on my blood pressure meds any more.

Uh...yeah...that experiment failed. In school, we did a lab with the kids on blood pressure. So we checked mine...

158 / 101

High-strung, much?

No e-mails or calls, please. I know. I'm getting to the doctor ASAP and getting back on my meds. And I'll figure out a way to get back to the gym as soon as I can.

Just another day in paradise.

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