Thursday, August 16, 2007

I Think This Just About Sums it Up

The following is the fairly accurate transcript of a phone conversation I had yesterday. I think it pretty much sums up how things are going here:

Secretary: Akuka Cable Access, how can I help you?

Dave: Hello, my name is Dave and I'm a teacher at the Kihei Charter School.

S: Yeeeessss?..?.??

D: My class would like to start producing a show for cable access. We'd be using our own equipment and just submitting tapes, but we don't know the technical requirements. So I was wondering if I could speak to someone about that?

S: Uh, well. {pause} Would you be able to call on Monday? You see everyone's in meetings this week and to be honest, we just had someone who works here die. So...

D: Oh, I'm very sorry. Of course, I can call back on Monday.

S: Yes, I'm not even sure where anyone is right now and things are just a bit slow right now.

D: I completely understand. I'll call on Monday. Is there someone specific I should ask for?

{long pause}

S: That's the person who died.

D: Oh. Um. Well, I'll just call on Monday and we can go from there.

S: Thank you.

D: OK. Goodbye.

I'm really starting to wonder if John does therapy by phone.

1 comment:

Lazulipi said...


that's heavy and weird.