Thursday, August 9, 2007

Random Stuff

Maybe the Jews DO run the world...could someone tell me why Hebrew National Bologna costs the same here as in Rochester? Freakin Pineapples are more expensive here.

Oh, and this is seriously old school...we have Star Markets here. I don't know if it's the same Star Markets that were in Rochester 35 years ago.

I didn't make anyone cry today, but I sure as hell wanted to. Little bastards.

In the middle of class...or lunch, actually, we had a pop-in visit from our Congresswoman. This program....I'm starting to think it's less of a big deal than it is a photo-op for every politician in Hawaii. A really expensive one. Anyway, I kept my mouth shut which I should get a freakin medal for as this person is on the House Education Committee...I got your No Child Left Behind Act right here.

Then some other woman, who's name and significance eluded me, gave us all as speech about how great our first-term Congressperson is and virtually chided us into giving her a round of applause. Even the adults couldn't figure out why. The woman's tone was as if the Congressperson was royalty or saved someone from a burning car. I've sold my f-ing soul.

Fire Marshall Fred came through and we were able to get into our space - finally. It'll be cool, but we haven't been shown how to use anything....the digital camera & computer set-up that everyone assumed I knew how to run to tape the Congresswoman "interviewing" our kids, the computer network that had different passwords, didn't hookup to the network or saved one kid's stuff on all the computers. Oh, and no one empties our garbage cans and the dumpsters are locked.

And did I mention the roving gangs of feral chickens that wander around outside the building? There's even one who walks with a limp - probably from some chicken bar fight. I'm actually glad they're there, because they eat the hordes of cockroaches that are in the lawn. When you stand in the grass they actually crawl around your shoes...and most people in Hawaii wear sandals. My achilles tendon still hurts so I'm wearing sneakers.

Today, my boss had some stuff from a Filipino deli he was passing around. Interesting. Not bad tasting, but I could see how a diet of that would mess you up. Some sweetbreat thing with pork and other unidentifiable stuff inside and a potsticker thing...more pork and also sweet. I ate it...I won't live on it. I don't think I'm going to be finding any bacalao around here.

Some people asked for more pictures. I'll try to add some this weekend. For some reason they don't seem to be showing up on Blogger, but they're in albums on the Fotki page. The link is on the right.

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