Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Teacher Appreciation Day

That was today. I know, I didn't know there was one, either. I mean there's a day for everything else so it's not that much of a surprise, but I didn't know today was it. And just like what went down with kids & parents last Christmas, I got another surprise. A bunch of parents chipped in and got each of the teachers gift certificates for a restaurant. And with the card was a note from individual parents thanking each of us individually. It was quite interesting. Oh, and cool! But really unexpected.

One parent / guardian who didn't write was my global warming skeptic. He used to really like us, I don't think that's the case any more. With me, it's for indoctrinating his granddaughter (though I seem to be failing at it as she's still a nutjob), he doesn't like Peggy because she takes to long to get her grades online. It's a squirrely family.

Non-school related: Summer had to go to some awards thingy - just about everyone in her family was getting some kind of award from a community group. So drove up to Kula for their Community Association meeting...wearing my Summer Starr t-shirt. That goofy chick was there. (see old post) She actually helped a lot. Made some contacts, handed out lit. People are really glad to see her running.

I'm home, I'm tired and I'm going to bed.

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