Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This Place is Just Straight Up Nutty

Weird goings on today:

*Feeling relatively better. Body aches gone. A bit tired. I'm functional.

*I get out of school and go to do laundry. While I'm there I decide to give Nancy a call - she's blown off 2 of my calls in the last week and I'm anxious to get these fundraising dinners going for the campaign. She finally answers. She's at the airport...didn't know she was leaving. Seems that her Mom is sick so she's going to the mainland. So, I'm telling her how sorry I am and that of course, don't worry about the campaign, blah, blah, blah. Well, this followed by non-sequitors about...uh, I'm not actually sure. I couldn't tell what the hell she was talking about. Turns out that I was on speaker phone and her friend (whom I have met once) was chiming in on the conversation. It took me 5 minutes to realize that I was talking to 2 different people (as opposed to personalities). When I mentioned that I didn't realize I was talking to 2 people, the friend got pissy. Like...what...ever.

And of course, just before I hang up, Nancy drops an ILY bomb on me. Summer has no idea what I'm doing for her campaign. Like...

*So, as I mentioned before, Summer referred some other chick to me who called herself a former "professional campaigner". Well, I called her tonight. And she was in bed, sick with the flu - which I can totally sympathize with. She said that she doesn't like to complain when she's sick - then proceeded to complain about all of her ailments, including a phlegm report. So we're going to talk another time. Can't wait.

I have noticed, that just about everyone I've spoken to that has anything to do with this campaign, except Summer's boyfriend, has poor communication skills. Thank god I get to meet with Jay The Savior on Friday. Did I tell you that he's beaten 3 incumbents? Good. I wouldn't want you to forget that, because nobody else will let me.

*While I was at the Laundromat, the TV was on - as is normal for a Laundromat...god forbid any of us poor folk read or something. The news was on and they were having a special series on Hurricane preparation. Then I remembered some "fair" they're having at the mall this week on hurricane prep. This is another thing they left out of the What-you-need-to-know-when-you-move-to-Maui Handbook. I guess June is Hurricane Season here. Gosh, and I don't have a thing to wear. I go to bed, with my big ruddy head. (Whitee, 1998)

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