Monday, May 5, 2008


There's going to a few references here that'll only be understood by the fellow politican-type folks who read this, but bare with me...

The Summer Star campaign is in full swing. Summer's going to events almost every night and we start door-to-door work this weekend. I sent e-mails to a couple hundred people asking for money - many of you who read this got one. Please think about giving a few bucks. Getting Summer in office really is a little thing you can do to make the world better. No, it's not going to change everything in one swoop, but it's a brick in the wall. Think of it as the Flag Day gift you usually send me ( ! ).

So, I'm trying to navigate the Hawaiian political scene. The weird stuff isn't where you'd think. The usual stuff is not a surprise...incumbents in bed with business. I even heard an unsubstantiated rumor (though it's a pretty good source) that our opponent goes to Vegas, runs up a buttload of gambling debts and "someone" pays it off with cash in a brown paper bag. If I told you where I got my info from I'd have to kill you.

No, the craziness is from the bureaucratic arm of the government. It seems that the voter reg lists are compiled by the State Government, not the county. And it's a clusterfuck. My own candidate and her entire family are not on the voter list and they're natives and have been at the same address since 1972. Of course each office blames a different really is a third world country here.

The district maps are missing boundaries...seriously. And for some reason, there are actually polling places for districts located outside of the districts they represent. And there's an entire precinct I can't's not on any map I can find.

But on a more positive note...our machine is starting to roll. Interns, canvassing, alliances, endorsements, media...I have to admit, I do love this's like my own Dungeons & Dragons. Only I don't have to wear a cape. Even though I wish I could.

1 comment:

Papa said...

Doesn't Greenman wear a cape and domino mask?