Monday, October 15, 2007

[Sorry for the crossposting]

I know, I know. You're already sick of the Presidential election crap. Me too. But don't forget, there ARE elections in 2007. Yes, they're local, but they are important. In fact, in terms of long-term planning, they're even more important. Why?

Because if there will ever...EVER be change it will come from a third party. Yes, I know there isn't a third party candidate who can win a presidential election now, or probably any federal election. But they HAVE been winning local elections all over the country. And that is how third parties will have more influence - from the bottom, up.

I know, there are no greens running in Rochester. It's a sad, sad situation, but did you know that there are 127 greens running for office in the 2007 elections? Yep. And it's not too late to help them. Here is a list of the 9 Greens around the country who have the best shot at winning their races. It doesn't matter where you live - you're helping create change. Check some of them out and throw them a few bucks! Your money can help pay for that last TV ad or radio blitz.

Janice Brittain, Candidate for City Council, Hermosa Beach

Jean de Smet, Candidate for First Selectman, Windham
Ronna Stuller, Candidate for Board of Education, New London

Maria Allwine, Candidate for President of the Baltimore City Council

Grace Ross, Candidate for Councilor-at-large, Worcester

New York
Howie Hawkins, Candidate for Councilor At-Large, City of Syracuse
Margaret Human, Candidate for New Paltz Town Councilman (At-Large)
David Lussier, Candidate for Albany County Legislature, District 7

Jennaro Pullano, Candidate for Mayor, Reading

I had a ridiculously long day, but I'm going to try to post on a couple of things that have been going on tomorrow.


Jason Nabewaniec said...

Eric Jones for Buffalo Niagara District Council

James Bailey said...

From the D&C Editorial on the Skool Bored on 10/16:

Willa Powell, first elected in 1997, falls into this category. In her two terms, district spending has skyrocketed far past the rate of inflation. Yet dropout rates rose; middle-grade test scores fell to appalling lows. She neither acknowledges failure nor pledges to do things differently.

Powell should not be on the board. The logical answer is to turn to the Republican or third-party challengers, but none has offered hope for positive change. Endorsing in this race would be to endorse an unsatisfactory status quo — or worse.

Is it just me, or were they not looking for a third-party challenger back when Greenman was on the ballot? Hmmm ...

Stuart said...

Well, as the song goes -

You don't miss your water until the well runs dry.