Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

The Good: The day after Halloween is pretty much a bust for eductation. The elementary schools of Maui have decided to use it as a professional day - the kids don't have school. Pretty smart. We decided that instead of doing anything classroom-related, we're going to have a book fair instead. So Peggy contacted the Scholastic Book people (You remember them from your school days, right? Well, they're still around) and we're all set. Some of the parents have been really helping out.

Well, yesterday, Mark told me that a pretty popular radio station on Maui agreed to put a PSA on the air about it if we'd make it. That's all I needed to hear. I ran home, got my recording gear, got back to school, pulled a script out of my...uh...ear, grabbed a couple of kids and this is what we came up with:

KCS Bookfair PSA (mp3)

Not too bad considering they've never done anything like it before and I had to get a lot of info crammed into 29 seconds.

The Bad: We still keep having problems with this group of 12 or so kids. Our group discipline policy is having no effect on them and it's really holding us back as a program. Their parents are making things worse (duh). So it was decided that we're going to start dealing with them differently. Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in my teaching career I have assigned a student to write XYZ 20 times for homework. Yep. I've entered a time machine and have gone back to 1953.

The Ugly: I was recently invited to go to Little Beach. What's so ugly about that?'s Maui's only clothing-optional beach. I took a pass on that one. They haven't invented enough sunscreen for me to go to a nude beach. People, I try to shower in the dark because I get burned by the bathroom light. Oh, I'd night.

It's not an embarrassment thing. Have you seen actual nudist beaches? There really isn't a lot of studs & hotties there. Kind of like an actual orgy that isn't being filmed (or so I'm told). I'd fit right in.

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