Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This Sure is a Pretty Glass House

Today I had a meeting with someone whom I've been corresponding with about Summer's campaign. I already had a really long phone conversation with her and how much campaign experience she has and blah, blah, blah. So she offered to help - particularly with the press, as that's her specialty.

So I went upcountry, to my meeting. This person preceded to tell me the exact same thing about how experienced she is and this is how she works and kept repeating the same cliches about what she does and...it was obvious she could help, but she had a mental agenda for our meeting and I wasn't leaving until she covered everything 3 times.

It was just one of those times that you keep your mouth shut, nod your head a lot and realize that you're never getting that time of your life back. As torturous as it is, if you're good at the head nod and the "yeah, you're right" you usually get a couple of benefits down the road:

First, because you haven't told the person to shut up they think you're pretty smart. There are a lot of people in Rochester who think I'm waaaaaaay smarter than I am because I've kept my mouth shut in meetings. (Shut up. It's true. I've been to meetings where I've kept my mouth shut.)

Second, you can usually get the person to do what you want them to do...or at least get something out of them. I know that seems pretty calculating, but depending on the circumstance, it's appropriate. Today, we both knew that the meeting was to see if this woman was going to help with the campaign. She is, and she's happy about it. I just paid for it with a slightly smoother brain.

I'm pretty sure I do the same to people when I talk about teaching...can you say "School Board Campaign"? Sure. I knew you could.


Summer School continues to be...just an all-round cluster-f. There's only 3 days left, but I did get a call from the person who is dealing with the money/paychecks. It's the same person who does the financial stuff for the Charter School. If I understood her right, the taxes for my 2 summer school checks are coming out of my first Charter School check...which should leave me with about 10 bucks that pay period.

And they say that no good deed is left unpunished...I'm firmly in that camp.


I haven't done much with that teaching online gig. I just can't get motivated to bore the shit out of people, whether it's in person or online. I'll end up sucking it up and doing it...like a cheap whore - for the money.


Hot Dog Update: They're gone. I'm on the last of the hamburgers. The Tahou Hot Sauce made it to the birthday plate.


Went to GNC today. It looks like they don't carry my Die Hard Battery Pudding anymore. I hope Sylvester Stallone is OK.


Went to the podiatrist today to get the achilles checked. She basically told me if I just stretch it every day, it'll will be fine. Thanks. You could have told me that before I spent a month in my medieval torture boot. Oh, and I also have to wear this weird splint when in bed. (she didn't tell me for how long) What she didn't tell me was that I was going to have to get it "fitted". So the doctor leaves and the nurse comes in - what is it with Hawaii and cute medical chicks? And the nurse tells me that I have to get up on the table on my stomach.

Uhhhh...I wanted to say: I like where this is going, but you know I'm here for my foot. Instead, I just sat there with this really stupid look on my face. It was then that she realized that I was either there for an injury I sustained in the Special Olympics or that no one told me about the fitting. So she explained how it was done. I was relieved, yet disappointed.

I wonder if when I finally get my first colonoscopy, I can bring my own tech? Sorry, Mom.


And speaking of colons...the other day, my candidate told me that she hates going door-to-door so much that when she does it she can't shit for 2 days. I thanked her for sharing and told her to let me get back to her as she's given me yet another issue I've never dealt with in a campaign before. I consulted with Jimena who advised against me giving her bran muffins. I know she's a Urologist, which is the front end and not the back end, but she had a good point - I'd then be sending a gassy candidate out to knock on doors. Not the best campaign strategy.


I think that's about it for now. The pictures people have been sending me from the family stuff over the holidays has been amazing. Marcy's was the best about the JAP's. Oh heck...for those not in the know, here's the pictures. Notice how over time, the 3 JAP's all take the same position. In each picture we have: Auntie JAP, Cousin JAP & Sister JAP.

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