Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mr. Atias? Yeah, he used to work here.

"Hi Becky. How was school today."


"Just OK? What did you learn today."


"Nothing? You couldn't have learned 'nothing'. What were your classes like?"

"Well, we did some computer stuff. That was pretty lame. Then Mrs. Temple did math. Something about ratios. Then we made babies with Mr. Atias." [insert needle going across the record sound fx here]

That's right. Babies having babies.

OK...we obviously didn't make real babies. The way our schedule is this year, we teach...jeez...I don't know...rarely. It's hard to explain. There's a lot of kids, a lot of teachers and a serious amount of chaos. It all adds up to teaching 2 lessons a week. It's only one if it's your turn to go out in the field. This sounds like it's easy, but there's never down time. It's really weird...and hard to get any kind of momentum. It's hard to do things that take more than an hour because you may not get that group of kids again for days...literally. I really think that it could be the downfall of this school, but that won't happen until I'm long gone.

So, I started yesterday with that Matt video, then today we talked about the similarities of all the people in the video then, in what they think is a total non sequitur, I had them draw their own child on a piece of construction paper, name it, then annotate it. Annotate a baby? Yep. We talked about what they would want for their child...the personality of the child, the material needs, the physical needs, etc. I even referenced Maslow's Hierarchy. Then in the margin, they had to annotate the baby.

Now I don't teach again until next week. And I won't even know when that will be until Friday afternoon, when the team meets. It's kinda frustrating.

Anyway...about the making babies thing. So I told the kids that I didn't want them to go home and say that they made babies in Mr. Atias' class; they had to fully describe what we did. Hopefully, I'll be keeping my job and not be put on the federal pedophile list.


Then tonight was a bit weird. There was a Maui Obama meeting tonight for the people in Summer's district. I knew there were going to be people there whom we've been...uh...courting (?) to work on Summer's campaign, so I went. It was a bit painful listening to all the Kool-Aid drinkers, but I think we did OK. But the funny part was that some folks were a bit bewildered because there were some prominent local dems who weren't at the meeting. Where could they have been? Hmmm...I don't know...Uh, maybe they could have been... the fundraiser for Summer's opponent that was going on right next door????

Oh, yeah. That.

Whatever. Dude started with $30K from corporations...and you don't need that kind of money to win an election as an incumbent. So it was just a show. I've found out that everyone who does a fundraiser expects the other dem candidates to show and I noticed that they were there so a lot of his crowd were party hacks who weren't from the district.

Oh...and we have potholders....

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