Monday, August 11, 2008

The Big Fundraiser

Last night was the big fundraiser for Summer's campaign. Featuring our boy, Makana. I don't feel comfortable talking about some of this on the podcast, so you lucky readers get to check out the unedited version.

The place we used was pretty freaking cool - huge grounds, great view, a swimming pool to just do laps. Summer's boyfriend, Aaron, ran the thing and it looked and ran spectacularly. The food was great...I ate more carbs than I have in the last month combined. We made about $9,000+ . But it cost us about $5,000 to put it on. So we didn't clear as much as we expected or needed, but overall it was a great time.

Everyone freaked out about Summer's speech, which I thought was well-written, but her delivery could have been better. But who am I to speak.

Then there was Makana. Jeez. This guy is part guitar wizard, part yoga instructor, part Mack Daddy Pimp. If you saw the flyer for the fundraiser and other pictures on his site, he's got no shirt on, he's ripped, oiled... a real stud. Dude showed up last night with a freakin gut. It looks like someone's been digging the drive-thru at Krispy Kreme's just a little bit too much. So he's there during sound check and I'm leaving him alone, but I am curious so I just kinda watch him for a while. He really didn't do all that much other than semi-nicely heckle this teenage girl who was going to be singing before him.

I won't get into the Pimp stuff. It doesn't translate into the written word, but I will say this...if the way Makana acts with his "good friends" is the norm then some of you and I need to talk, because I've been getting gypped. Mike.

After the music was over and people started leaving, I got to hang around with Summer and a bunch of her friends. While I was definitely the oldest in the crowd, I was the only one who had school the next day, which was too bad.

To sum up: the fundraiser was OK, Makana was weird and some of you owe me some booty.

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