Saturday, January 5, 2008

Back to the Rock

I'm sitting in the Rochester "International" Airport, feeling like death warmed over. No, I'm not looking for your pity. I am going back to Hawaii. But as the cliche goes - I definitely need a vacation from this vacation. [Update: I had to finish in Hawaii. See below]

It was great seeing everyone over the past couple of weeks. I know that there's a few I wasn't able to catch - I'll see you in July. Here's the gist of what I've been doing since being back:

*You can see by my last post how I made it into town. The rest of the weekend was actually pretty uneventful. People were sick and/or dealing with family obligations so there was much less debauchery than I had planned.

*Christmas I did the family-thing. Mom's on Christmas Eve and George's on Christmas Day. Then I got to meet my new cousin - Liam. Ridiculously, unfairly cute. I'll try to get a picture up soon, but you will think I just stole a picture of the Gerber Baby.

*After a bunch of wrangling and me acting like a little girl, I finally got to see Keziah. At a gay bar of course. Nothing like bad, gay Karaoke. I would mention that there's bad, gay karaoke every time I'm there, but then you'll wonder what the hell I'm doing hanging around gay bars with bad karaoke. Oops.

*Mike, Erick, Keziah & I did a rousing Stuart Bedasso Show. I highly suggest you check it out.

*Made it down to New Jersey to see Brad & company. Cool, new house...the kids are great. We did our own in-house, kids' version of the Stuart Bedasso Show. Maybe I'll include it in the box set.

*Then off to Annapolis to hang with Keziah for New Years. Annapolis is cute. It seems like a cool place to see during tourist an Old Spice commercial without the smell.

*I still don't think she believes me (and yes, I know you're reading this), but except for the hacking, coughing, fever, hives and other physical issues I'm sure she didn't tell me about- I really did enjoy myself on New Years. Keziah was really sick so we just stayed in. Maybe it means I'm old, but it probably was the best time I could have had - except for her being sick, of course. Yes, I knew that spending 2 days with a sick person meant I was going to get sick, but it was worth it. (and yes, I am sick now)

*After watching Keziah watch me for two days with the "why-are-you-hanging-around-me-when-I'm-like-this" face I decided to leave a day early. Though in retrospect I should have stayed. (sorry, Boo)

*The ride back from Annapolis really sucked. The weather got bad around the NY border and at Bath I did one of those wipe outs on 390 that make you see your life flash before your eyes. By some miracle, I didn't hit a thing and the car didn't end up in a ditch.

*I had the opportunity to see a couple of people I never thought I'd see, forever. It was amazing to spend time with Jimena & Nina (and her Dad). The details aren't important for this silly blog, but it really blew me away.

*It's now the next day...I'm back on Maui. I would have finished this last night, but my trip back wasn't all that great. My great strategy to break up the flight with layovers was quickly messed up when my plane was late leaving Chicago, which meant I literally had to get off the plane in San Francisco and get right on the one to Maui. It was a good 10 hours of straight flying. They lost one of my bags and I found out just how much "fun" it is trying to get a cab at night in this place. I got home after 1am HST, exhausted, sick & starving. I took care of 2 of those 3.

So it's my first day back! I have a little work to do around the house, I've already e-mailed someone about seeing a new apartment in Haiku, I'm going to give the gym a try (though I'm still feeling a little funky) and Jill & I will be doing a new show later. Life is good and I'm ready to get back to work and kick some ass.

It was amazing seeing everyone over the past 2 weeks. It was just what I needed and gave me some great perspective that was missing.

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