Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hazy Days

Yeah, it's been a few days since I've posted. I've been in kind of a fog lately. I'm not really sure what the deal is - if it's mental or physical or a combination. I just know that I haven't been feeling that great lately and I've been pretty worn out. Quick updates, though:

*We've started incorporating some of my stuff into the daily routine at school. Sign class is going OK, the kids seem to be digging it. We'll see what happens once the novelty wears off. We're doing the daily advisory meetings with kids 1:1. They don't quite get what it's supposed to accomplish, but they will.

It's a boring story how I ended up doing this, but tomorrow and Thursday, I'm taking kids to the beach to write Haiku's. It's not really my style of teaching, but I kinda got roped into it. And Thursday, a reporter from the Maui News is supposed to be tagging along. Great...look at Mr. Sensitive writing about sea shells by the sea shore. Wait until Friday...I'm going to be doing some cool stuff...I'll post then and with pictures or video.

*Last night was my first double meeting night in a while. First, a steering committee meeting for a Future of South Maui forum that's coming up on Monday. That was a weird one. Half the group trying to figure out how to kiss a rich guy's ass and the other half (including me) keeping our mouths shut and trying to ignore them. One of the Hawaiian guys who was in the first video I did (the sign waving thing in Makena) was there. We're pretty tight. He's working on a Youth Center down there so I may be helping with that down the road. Second meeting was with the Save Makena group. It was long, but cool. And I started getting petition signatures to get the Greens ballot status here. I'm not really all that interested in it, but I did promise to help.

*Finding an apartment on this freakin island is hard! People here are weird - they don't return phone calls or e-mails. I'll find some place, but it's going to be cutting it close...that's for sure.

That's really about it. I've just been feeling pretty funky lately so I haven't been getting much done.

Oh...I almost forgot. I promised to send some links to people about the program I put myself on...well, I forgot who I said I'd send them to so I'll just post 'em here.

Here's the article that I first read.

Here's the book.

The program's been pretty cool...but I will say that I'm getting really sick of cheese. Not the person, the food.

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