Monday, January 21, 2008

Newspaper and Forum

As I mentioned that reporter who was nosing around last week. Well, a bunch of people came up to me tonight and congratulated me on the story that was in today's Maui News. I haven't seen it yet. But here's a link to the article.

So tonight was the Future of South Maui Forum. At first, I was invited to participate, but then they had the bright idea to have my students instead. Like...what...ever.

Seriously, it was cool. The kids did great and I have to admit, made me look pretty darn good. The two of them volunteered to do it and (on purpose) got no coaching from me...oh, except when I reminded one of the girls that she's wearing a skirt on stage and sitting at a table with no she should make sure she keeps her legs closed. Go ahead and laugh, but the whole thing was taped for cable access.

God damn, though. There were some people on some of the panels that made me want to scream. They were seriously worried that we were going to hurt the multi-millionaires-who-lied-to-all-the-Hawaiians' feelings. Man, they were lucky I didn't participate.

I haven't been the best Greenman in the world lately, but I may have some news in a few weeks that...while not "green" per se, would be a huge step in my activist career. Taking a page from The Rome Celli Playbook....details soon.

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