Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Rock to the ROC

Well, as some of you already know, I made it to Rochester. In fairly decent shape too (though that quickly changed). It was a really long plane ride. I wasn't able to sleep at all thanks to the one-and-a-half seat guy on one side of me and the head-cheese-eating, mouth breathing, laughing-out-loud-at-Ratatoullie joker on the other side of me.

Got to town, went over to Mom's and hung out. Grabbed a whole hour of sleep. Checked into the hotel, showered and went to the Sports Page. Well, we have a mixed audience here so I'll just say that fun was had by all. Though it sure didn't take me long to fall off the wagon. I ate more carbs last night than I have in 3 weeks combined. I wasn't here for 12 freakin hours before I had my first plate. And I paid for it today at the gym.

So with a lack of sleep and a long night under my belt, I didn't wake up until after noon. Which is fine. Made the mistake of checking my e-mail. I have all these students freaking out over their grades so they're trying to turn in late work or negotiate (in the form of whining). Then there's the e-mail from a parent that my boss forwarded to me complaining about what I've been teaching. So I responded to my boss and let him decide whether to send it to the guy.

It would seem that I'm trying to indoctrinate his son. Into what I'm not sure, but I supposedly have an agenda. I guess I do... I'm trying to make his son think. Bad, Dave! Bad Dave!


Unknown said...

Dave...Call me and I'll meet you out for a beer or 12.


Papa said...

Have some hot wings and a pitcher at the Page for me...