Thursday, December 6, 2007

It Never Rains in Ki....Oh Crap!

Yep. I live in a desert. You can tell. The red clay/sand all over the place. Water advisories. The FOUR STRAIGHT DAYS OF RAIN!!!!

Either this global warming stuff is really going down or I bring this with me. Since I've been here I've had people tell me:

  • It's not usually this hot this time of year.

  • Gosh, allergy season's not usually this bad.

  • It never rains more than a day in Kihei.

  • I guess the rainy season came a month early this year.

Gosh, I guess I'm honored to be witnessing such a glorious work of nature.

OK, I'm a little cranky. The power's been off for over a day, I need a shower and because the power's been off, since it's come back on, I've had to eat more meat than a human should because it all defrosted. It wasn't as fun as an evening at the International House of Meat, that's for sure.

The power went down across the island for a while though it seems as if Kihei is the second to last place to get it back. I'm not too confident about this as it is for the power went back on for an hour yesterday then we lost it again.

Today, I made the trek into Kahalui to get a cooler and some ice. There isn't a freakin ice cube on this island.

Another torrential downpour just finished and I'm waiting for the next. I still have my candles & flashlights ready and I'm hoping the electricity will stay on just long enough to make some ice (!).

I've never seen rain like this, for this long. I realize it's not Bangledesh, but I've never been to Bangledesh so I have nothing to compare it to.

I will say one thing. This rain has not deterred that freaking chicken one bit. Crazy bastard.

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