Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Trouble in Paradise?

I don't know if this is a sign of maturity (stop laughing), but back in the day I would have this elevated sense of....mmmmm...well, kind of awe towards anyone who had a skill I admired or seemed to do a half-way decent job in a position of authority. It would usually take me a year or so to realize that the person was just as full of shit as me and everyone else. These days, the level of...uh...awe tends to be not as high and I seem to get around to that realization a bit sooner.

I hope it's maturity (I said, stop laughing) and not cynicism.

So that's kind of what's going on here on "the rock." We seem to be stuck in a non-pattern of chaos on a day-to-day basis. While I personally like the people I work with there isn't much leadership happening. We constantly react to things as opposed to prepare for things. I'm sure this is common in the business world, but it's classic - and deadly - in education.

What seems to be happening is decisions have been / are being made at the top, then we peons are given the illusion of input via some kind of meeting, but it's pretty obvious that these decisions have already been made.

Today I found out that the staffing for our program is going to be going through changes as people are going to be shuffled around. Not me, it seems, but it will have a weird effect on the program. In the meantime, I've started working on my proposal for a new way of dealing with the kiddies, starting next year. I hope to have it ready by 4th quarter to take to our newly discovered demagogues. If next year is the same chaos, then...well, my time here will be over.

Then I guess this blog can be called Dave Formerly In Maui. Or Dave in Nebraska. Or Dave in the Peace Corps. Or Dave as Keziah's Cabana Boy.

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