Monday, December 3, 2007

Ho! Ho! Wha?

Yes, it's Christmas in Maui. Sounds like an old Bob Hope TV Special, but it's not. Usually I blog some kind of holiday rant, but not this year. No, I haven't found the Christmas/Channukah/Kwaanza spirit. I'm just too tired. (more on that below)

So here a few of my Maui Holiday observations:

  • I don't care what you say, a big-ass tent with a bunch of Christmas trees for sale on a tropical island just doesn't look right. It doesn't matter if it's for a good cause or not, it's just weird.

  • I'm sure it's not a surprise to you to hear that there's no snow. That's fine. It happens all over the world. But it is winter here in Hawaii so it's rained for a week. Which is cool, because it's pretty much the only rain Kihei gets all year. But have you ever tried to shovel rain? It's pretty freaking hard!

  • I'm not much of a Christmas Party guy (big shocker), but I have to admit that the Kihei Charter School's holiday party is going to be REALLY strange. It'll be the first holiday party - or maybe ANY party - that I'll need to wear my cup for. I'm not making that up. It's the KCS "Lucky You Live Maui" Holiday Softball Bash. I'm serious.

    Now, being the STEM Academy's Humanities teacher, I felt obligated to put up some token resistance to the grammar, but honestly, I really don't care. The potluck theme is "food from your home state". Where the hell am I going to get a Garbage Plate that feeds 40? Anyone wanna overnight a case of Genny?

    Another problem's winter in I said before, that means rain. So there is the potential of having our Christmas Party rained out. In other words, I'll be standing in the rain, singing Christmas carols wearing an athletic supporter.

    Sounds like just another Sunday, playing ball back home. Hell, I don't even need Kenny...I've got LIVE chickens here. (sorry for the inside joke)

So it's almost 10 at night and I'm at school. No, I haven't been here all evening. I'm going through this weird thing - I don't know if it's physical, mental or both. I've been having trouble sleeping. Part of it is getting to sleep, then I'm fortunate to have either the dog next door or a renegade chicken that has infiltrated the neighborhood wake me up around 3am every night. My sleep pattern is so out of wack, I crash after school every day, wake up around now then can't back to sleep until 2 or so...then the dog/chicken show. So I'm in this bizarre cycle. Hopefully, I'll be back in a groove in a few weeks...just in time to stay up all night with some of y'all. And I may have some chicken & dog jerky to share with you.

Ho! Ho! Ho!


Heather said...

My husband's breathing keeps me awake. I tried going to bed before him (to try to already be asleep when he came into the room -- breathing), but that didn't work. So I got an expensive noise-maker and turned it up really loud. That didn't work so well. So, finally, I tried those tiny foam ear plugs. They felt weird at first (especially when you have them all the way into the ear canal, which is when they work best), but I'd walk barefoot for a year before I'd give them up now. Life-(and marriage-)savers.

Unknown said...

I always knew we should have gotten the LIVE chicken!!

Stuart said...

What? Vinnie brought you a live cat to keep in the bathroom, you never appreciated that!