Friday, November 30, 2007

Open Letter on a Private Blog

I'm thinking about proposing we send out the following letter to all the parents of our students. Feel free to give me your feedback:

Dear Parent or Guardian of My Student,

Your child is a liar. I'm sorry. Your child is a fucking liar. I'm not supposed to tell you that, because...uh...I forgot why, but I'm not.

Face it. Your kid is lying when s/he tells you s/he did the work and handed it it, but the three people with Master's Degrees and a million years of teaching experience lost it/didn't grade it/ate it/ whatever...for the 11th time.

Your kid is lying.

By the way. You're a fucking liar, too. If your kid was doing so well at XXXXXXX school for the last 5 years like you claim, why would you take that kid out and put him/her in our school? Haven't you noticed that you're child is basically illiterate? If your kid really was such a scholar at the Don Ho Elementary School maybe you should look up the following term: social promotion.

Look. We all lie. Some more than others. Most do it in harmless situations. But when you bother other people with your lie by complaining over and over again, you become a fucking liar. So leave us alone so we can get back to trying to educate your child. It's about time someone did it.

I really am glad your child is in our school. (Now I'm a fucking liar)

Dave Atias

Over the top???


Chris said...

Best Post Ever.... Dave , it really made me lol!

Papa said...

More and more I begin to believe that parenting licenses should be seriously considered.