Saturday, November 17, 2007

I Thought It Would Be Bigger

Not THAT! Get your mind out of the gutter.

The other day at school, I had to go into the office for something and Mark started saying something about he wanted to show me how much my work is being appreciated, blah, blah, blah. And I could see he was holding a check of some kind so I'm figuring it's for 25 cents or some goofy amount like that. Well, it was for a goofy amount alright...uh, like $1.1 million goofy. It was the check from the Department of Education for the school. I was really busy at the time and it didn't hit me until later that I was holding a check for a million bucks. I thought it would have been one of those big ass checks that have at golf tournaments.

Anyway, the holiday season is just about upon us and with it comes my old friend. Yes, for those who have known me for a while will remember that around this time of year I start to get a bit on the grumpy side. OK, I'm an asshole. I've learned to embrace my annual bout of depression so fear not, my friends. Instead of using this time to mope around I'm trying to use the time where I tend to hate most people by being productive. Here's a video of some work the kids did last week. I'd love to say that it's not too jiggly, but let's see you hold a video camera when you're up to your chest in ocean at high tide.

1 comment:

Papa said...

Will we be reading your annual Christmas rant soon?