Friday, June 13, 2008

We're Really Not That Old

I wasn't really sure where to put this...either here or on the other blog. I decided to put it here, just because I don't know when I'll be posting again. (places to go, things to do)

You know, as a society, we're really not that old. Think about it. We were just slowly chugging along for however many thousands of years; the population wasn't getting that much larger, technology got better incrementally, but nothing, wheel, spear, catapult, gun. We've...uh...I don't think I can use the word "evolved"...our technology has evolved (better) exponentially in the past 100 years, and with it, our population. But we've never had to deal with the things we do now; or if we do, it's on such a larger scale or with other aspects thrown in, that it's just a different ballgame entirely.

So it kills me when people talk about "tradition". That's the way we've always taught kids. Huh? Since when? 1950? In the grand scheme of things that's not a long time. That's the way we've always fought our enemies. Uh, not with the killing capabilities and communication options we have now. Driving gasoline-powered cars has only been around for a short time, relatively. We can certainly do other things to get around. It's only ingrained in us because we're so myopic that only our lives, our experiences are what we see as being valid.

I admit, I catch myself doing it on occassion. Kids should always learn how to read and love books, etc. But the world IS changing, whether we like it or not. And yes, I do think it's not always fortunate. I think our lives are poorer when we replace things like reading instead of adding to ways we communicate. Old school and new school - in everything - need to be combined to just make school.

OK...that's pretty much my dip into anything remotely deep for a while.

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