Friday, June 13, 2008

Homee Don't Play 'Dat

If I had a nickel for every time a woman complained to me about how she couldn't find a good man...then proceeded to tell me the characteristics of this "good man"...and by some crazy coincidence I happened to fit these characteristics...but of course I wasn't considered a "good man"...

I'd be able to knock you upside the head with a sock full of hot nickels!

[Note to You-Know-Who: Even though you're not going to read this until 6 months from now, I just wanted to let you know that I'm really not mad about our conversation today. I just decided to use the irony as a good excuse to blog.]

Oh, and my 24 hours also consisted of a different person whom I...uh...let's just say had ties to...tell me about how great her new boyfriend is and how they're moving in together...and oh, by the way...are coming to f-ing Maui in January!

Jesus Christ...I have to move to somewhere no one wants to Des Moines or Terra Haute.

Well, I've got six months to get my sock filled...anyone have change for a twenty?

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