Monday, April 7, 2008

Irony...It's Not Just for Breakfast Anymore

As I sat, proctoring today's State standardized test, I was re-reading John Taylor Gatto's, A Different Kind of Teacher I was almost awestruck by the irony. It was then that my brain started working a little bit of overtime. Some old ideas/efforts from the past kind of came together with the direction I seem to be going in and a really freaking good idea hit me. I'm not quite ready to throw it out there, I have a couple of snags I have to figure out first, but if I can find the right vehicle for this, it could be something cool. Let's hope it gets out of the idea stage.

It's too bad I can't make money off of the podcast. Oh well. By the way, the last one has me all by my lonesome. A few interesting things: I confess to being a bad lesbian, I also announce my semi-temporary retirement from the Green Party. You can actually listen to it streamed now (without downloading) at our myspace page. Or you can just download it here.

So, I had a job interview scheduled for this afternoon that was postponed...that was followed by a call from the dentist. She had a last minute opening and they wanted to know if I was free to go to stage 2 of my cleaning. (Did I mention before that it had been a while since I'd been to the dentist?) I unfortunately did. Two hours of needles and drooling. Now I'm just drooling. Oh yeah, and a $200 bill. That would be $200 I didn't have. It's going to be an interesting 2 weeks.

So, I'm just starting to feel the right side of my face...and it ain't feeling too good. Can't wait for the left side to free up. Well, I guess I'll have to decide on what will have the least side effects - 2 Alieve or 2 beers. After laundry, we'll find out. what else...well, some new folks moved in upstairs. Good news: no dog. Bad news: they're loud and dude has a guitar. I'm getting old. The next thing you know I'm going to be complaining about damn kids on the lawn. And I don't even have a lawn!

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