Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Da Man is Everywhere

It's true.

In my last post, I talked about my budding Bill-o. Well, we talked about my discoveries about her discoveries. She seemed undisturbed. In fact, she told me that she checked into all the facts her crackpot said and found it to be true. It was on National Geographic. Uh...I checked...it's not.

And I'M indocrinating the kids.

From this movie, the kids were supposed to do a 1-page reflection. Not a summary, but a reflection. There's a student I have who is very nice, but she can't write. The girl just can't. We've had her tested and she's not "special ed", but the kid can't write to save her life. So, when her reflection on the Al Gore movie came to me entitled "The Inconvenience of the Truth Reflection" (proper capitalization added), I didn't even notice...because...the...girl...can't...write. But as I read this paper, denying the existence of global warming and that it's a government plot to get money from corporations, I remembered who her Dad is. That nut who insisted that it was cool of us to take the Hawaiians' land. And who does Dad work for? Da Man.

And I'M indocrinating the kids.

Over the next 2 days I'm taking my students to the island's cable access TV studio to get some training in video production. They needed permission slips to do this so I went into town to drop them off. As I'm talking to the Education Coordinator, I started asking her questions about submitting video, etc. So I mention that I'm the campaign manager for Summer Starr because cable access will put on political stuff here. Well, she went nuts! She dragged me into the office of the CEO and left me there with him to talk.

Well, take a look at this article in today's Maui News. Kyle Yamashita is the guy we're running against. They HATE him. Well, I'm not comfortable putting in writing the things shared in our conversation, but I learned a lot about our boy Kyle...

He's Da Man! And not in a good way.

This place is just plain old nutty.

And on a final note: when my 30 days with this f-ing boot are up, I'm going to burn the thing, I swear.

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