Friday, June 29, 2007

I'm Not Lucky

Maybe I'm being a bit sensitive, but I've found it interesting to hear some of the reactions of people when I tell them that I'm moving to Maui and why. Most have been great, but I get a few people - while I'm sure in their minds they're being supportive, don't realize that they're really not.

From a few, their only reaction is that I'm "lucky" or even tonight I got called an "asshole". I understand what they mean, but their response ignores that I've been busting my ass for 12 years, taking jobs that suck or where I always have administrators getting rid of me because I'm not one of their teaching robots. Working overnights &/or 3 jobs. Putting myself in the public spotlight when it's really not in my nature (I know...some of you only know me from my public's for the cause...I'd rather do mailings and send e-mails than talk to a reporter).

I'm not lucky. I earned this. And if there was anything closely related to an opportunity like this for me here I'd be eating Garbage Plates for the rest of my life.

Most people have been awesome and they've expressed how happy they are for me. I guess still doing overnights and not sleeping well has just kept me cranky.



Lazulipi said...

aw baby

fuck that. You know you deserve this and its fantastic adn who cares what people think or say! soon you'll be on a beach changing the world and where will they be?

Papa said...

Well... in a few short weeks, you'll be sitting comfortably on a beach chair, slathered head to toe in sunblock (that spatula'll finally be put to good use), a cooler of therapeutic amber-colored beverages within easy reach, a bevy of grass=hipped beauties practicing the hula in front of you.
Meanwhile, that asshole who called you an asshole will be in an hour-long restraint with a kid who hasn't showered since Ryan was mayor, praying that his tetanus shots are up-to-date.
I'd say you're getting the better part of the deal.

Stuart said...

I know what the guy meant. It really wasn't supposed to be a shot at me. It was really more of a "my life sucks and you're going to Hawaii" kind of thing. It's just me not sleeping. All is well!

Anonymous said...

See, now I'm offended. You don't like talking to reporters?

Stuart said...

Well, you were the exception that proved the rule. Besides, look what happened when I did talk to you...I got outted (sic?) ;-P

And you're not a reporter any more and I still talk to you.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you're right on all three counts! I'm really excited for your opportunity in Hawaii. Rochester will lose a wonderful advocate, but your new students are gaining a great one!