Sunday, June 24, 2007

Garage Sale Culture

There's no way I'm taking all my stuff to Hawaii. It's just not worth it. Lucky for me, the neighborhood my parents live in had a neighborhood garage sale. So I carted my crap there and got rid of most of it.

If you're looking at this picture and say to yourself, "Hey! I gave Dave that and he's selling it at a garage sale!" Don't be offended. I pretty much am getting rid of everything I own. I'm taking clothes, (too many) CD's, computer/podcast stuff, a handful of DVD's & books...oh yeah, my baseball gear. That's it. Stereo, TV, bed, couch, tables, chairs, gone. So yes, I sold that vase you gave me (to be honest, I didn't even know it was a vase until the lady who bought it told me so). I'm moving to freakin Hawaii - give me a break.

Garage Sale culture is a bit creepy. I'm sorry if you're one of those cats, but it was a weird two days. Having people look at your stuff, approvingly or was just odd. Fortunately, I had to work overnights both days so I was so exhausted I didn't care all that much. There are people who take this stuff seriously - as if they're looking for the Holy Grail. Maybe a 20-year-old toaster IS someone's Holy Grail. There were were some people who stood out:

*Crazy Blender Guy
*Asperger Syndrome Red Wing Guy
*Are-there-only-two-of-these Chick
*The Guy bought all my CD's in one swoop (over 200 of them)
*Look At My Heart Surgery Scar Guy

What's left in the apartment? A borrowed torture chamber...I mean futon, portable table to do the podcast, computer, packing materials, couple of lamps, a few plants, I have no dresser so there's clothes all over the bedroom floor. Nothing on the walls. Oh, I still have to eat for the next 3 weeks so the kitchen has stuff in it, but most of it is Goodwill-bound on July 16th.

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