Thursday, October 9, 2008


So today I had a chance to talk with the lovely & talented Molly Clifford. You know...NET Office, ran Bob Duffy's campaign.

We chatted about how things were going in Rochester...and how things are doing in a certain section of Rochester...and she even said to hurry back because Rochester needs me...

...and I don't think she was being completely sarcastic.


Anonymous said...

She rides a broom. Duffy speak with forked tongue.

Stuart said...

As I'm finding out, running for office is a lot different than governing. It takes a special kind of something to stay true to your word once in office. Even the liberals' hero - Kucinich - hasn't been completely pure in this area.

To the left, the late Paul Wellstone was pretty good with it. Russ Feingold doesn't seem to be too bad there, either. Now, on the right, there are a lot of evil bastards who have done everything they've said they would do...for better or worse.

James Bailey said...

I think the Sports Page is missing you too. They might not be able to hold out until next summer.

Heather said...

What section? Not my beloved neighborhood, I hope. Things seem great to me! We're getting new curbs next year!