Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm Not Back Yet!

Checking my e-mail today...I get something from RG&E. Yep...Rochester Gas & Electric.

When I was in Rochester, I paid my RG&E bill online...but since I left I had not heard from them...until today.

When I saw the e-mail and the subject (New RG&E Document), I'm thinking...Oh crap...I STILL owe them something??!??

Then I open the e-mail:

A new bill invoice for account number 20014845919 is due 12/19/2008 for the bill amount of $ -1.45.
Click here to view and pay your RG&E bill

Uh...seriously? If I click, you're going to give me $1.45? And will I have a bigger penis, make money from foreclosed homes and get $2,000,000 from the Department of Ball Bearings in Nigeria???
